Susanna swung her head toward BJ.

“You said you didn’t see her in town. And you’re just telling me this now? Give, BJ, and tell more.” She felt a little a bit of hope for happiness in Ava’s life. Ava really kept to herself, and like the other Dixie Chix, her past remained a secret.

“Don’t get all uppity with me, woman. And don’t get your hopes up, either. Evan doesn’t date. He and Colton keep to themselves. They hadn’t even told Chad and Michael that they were living back in Delite right away. I think the war has hardened them. Plus, I didn’t see them together today, it was yesterday.”

“Really? They seemed really friendly the other night at the dance hall. A lot of the women were trying to find out who Evan and Colton were.”

“Well, that doesn’t mean anything. Maybe you should go speak with Ava, to make sure that everything is okay?” BJ suggested.

“You think?”

“Considering the trouble that has surrounded all of you Dixie Chix, I’d say yes. Please talk with her so we can cut off any danger before it’s on our doorstep…literally.”

Susanna widened her eyes at BJ and gave him a light slap on his arm.

“That’s rather presumptuous of you, Sheriff.”

“Something is going on. Why not get to the bottom of it sooner than later. Since the seven Dixie Chix came to town, there has never been a dull moment.”

Susanna shook her head at him. “You are something else, BJ. I thought you didn’t like boring,” she teased, and he grabbed her around her waist and pulled her onto his lap.

“That’s why I got you, baby.” He winked then took a bite of his sandwich as he continued to hold her.

Susanna looked toward the hallway and the stairs leading up to the bedroom. She would give Ava some time to rest, but she would definitely talk with her later on. Ava was family, and Dixie Chix stuck together in good times and bad.

* * * *

Later on in the day, Ava’s door was ajar, and Susanna walked in to speak with her. She knocked first then entered and she noticed that Ava was asleep on her bed. The second thing she noticed was the bandage on her chest.

Susanna immediately felt concerned. “Ava.”

Slowly Ava came to. She cringed as she moved.

“It’s okay. Don’t move. I can see a bandage on your chest.”

Ava suddenly looked more awake and surprised.

“It’s nothing. No need to worry.” She tried to sit up.

“You’re in pain. Tell me what’s going on. You snuck out early this morning. You looked pale when you returned, and now I can see the bandage. What is it?”

Ava took a deep breath.

“I wanted to keep it a secret. I’m okay, Susanna, and I don’t want you or the others to worry.”

“I do worry because I love you. Now, if you’re in some kind of trouble or if this has something to do with your past—

Ava shook her head. “I’m not in trouble and this has nothing to do with my past.”

“Then what’s going on?”

Ava sat up and took a deep breath before she explained about finding the lump, going to the doctor, and having to do a biopsy.

“My God, Ava, why didn’t you tell me sooner? I would have gone with you. You’re not in this alone. What did the doctor say? I mean when will you know?”

“I appreciate that, Susanna. I won’t know for about a week. They send the results to a pathologist and they take their time to accurately diagnose the tissue samples.”

“Jesus. I can’t believe this. I mean, I know this happens and taking a biopsy can rule out further problems.”