“It’s going to determine whether I have breast cancer or not,” Ava said as the tears filled her eyes.

“Oh, sweetie. You got to the doctor right away after finding the lump. What does the doctor think?”

“Dr. Nickles is great. He’s very supportive and knowledgeable. He said early detection is key to treatment.”

“Well, you don’t know if you have any cancer yet. We’ll handle this together and the others will help, too.”

Ava shook her head. “No. I want you to swear not to tell the others about this.”

“Why?” Susanna asked, feeling shocked by Ava’s request.

“I don’t want Elise or Sally to worry. This is a very happy time in their lives and they don’t need to be worried about me. I can handle this alone.”

“Well you’re not handling this alone. I’m here for you and that is final. When is your next appointment?”

“Next Monday, so I have all week to feel sick with worry.”

Susanna hugged Ava. “I’ll worry with you and we’ll get through this together.”

Susanna locked gazes with Ava as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

“I’m scared, Susanna. I’m really scared,” Ava whispered. Susanna swallowed hard as she pulled Ava into her arms and cried along with her. Susanna was just as scared as Ava.

Chapter 4

It was Friday night at Dixie Chix, and Ava was laughing as she talked with Elise and Paula.

“I swear, they are driving me insane. I mean, I am a whole seven weeks behind Sally. Tommy and Vic shouldn’t worry so much,” Elise complained then took a sip from her glass of seltzer.

“They love you, honey. That’s why they worry. Knowing that Sally is on bed rest makes all the men jumpy and nervous,” Paula said.

Elise looked around, seemingly annoyed with her men for their overprotectiveness. But then Elise looked toward the entryway, and Ava and Paula followed her line of sight.

Ava felt her belly tighten at the sight of Evan and his brother Colton accompanied by Vic and Tommy. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from either man as they looked around and shook other men’s hands as they entered.

Evan was dressed nicely, wearing a button-down cowboy shirt and dark blue jeans. He sported the shoulder-length brown hair well, and she could practically see his green eyes from where she stood. She’d thought about him many times after that day in the park and the coffee he’d offered her.

His brother Colton was just as tall with dark brown, crew-cut hair and dressed in a navy-blue button-down shirt with black jeans. Both were older looking and very sexy. She wondered if Evan had seen her crying in the park, but since he didn’t mention it, she was avoiding that fact all together. She was surprised at the way she felt seeing him right now.

“Those two are pretty lethal looking, Ava. Tread carefully,” Elise whispered.

Paula added an “Oh, yeah.”

“What?” Ava asked but didn’t look at either woman. Her eyes were drawn to Colton and Evan as well as the women who blatantly looked them over like fine jewelry.

As they approached, Paula waved and smiled.

“Hey, guys, what’s going on?” she asked, and they all greeted everyone.

“Hey, Ava, how are you?” Evan asked her as he moved toward her and placed his hand on the bar beside her back. His hand brushed across her side, leaving tiny sensations across her skin. She was definitely attracted to the man.

“You look really nice,” Colton told her as he looked her body over. She smiled at him then looked past him as if Colton’s remark hadn’t fazed her.

Nearby Vic and Tommy were kissing Elise hello and then gently placing their hands over her belly. Ava watched and felt the tears reach her eyes. After having the biopsy done and worrying about the results, she had been thinking about her own baby and her husband who’d passed away. She tried to push those thoughts out of her mind and focus on being at Dixie Chix and having a great night. There was nothing she could do right now about the situation. At least she had Susanna to lean on.

“Are you okay?” She felt the fingers touch her hand, and she pulled away then looked up at Evan. He was watching her and she was embarrassed to be caught off guard. After glancing in front of her it seemed that his brother Colton noticed the same thing.

“I’m good. Thank you. So how about that beer I owe you?” she asked him.