“Okay, now on to the important follow-up care. For the next week or two, no lifting, working, exercising, nothing strenuous that could cause upset to the surgical area. I’ll have the nurse go over how to change the bandage and apply some ointment to the stitching. Keep an eye out for any redness or irritation or anything seeping from that area. Get plenty of rest. Your body needs to recover and so do you. I know this has been a very emotional and upsetting time for you, Ava. Let’s move on to the next step and be confident that it will be uphill from here, okay?”

“Yes, Dr. Nickles. Thank you again.”

Ava looked up at Susanna as the doctor left the room.

“That’s good news, Ava. Really good news. I’m certain the tissue testing will come out clear. Like he said, you got here fast to check that lump out.”

“I know. Hey, is that your phone that keeps buzzing?”

“Yeah, it’s been going off for the last thirty minutes, but out there in the waiting room, you’re not allowed to use your cell phone. They want you to go all the way downstairs. I wasn’t taking a chance to leave. I couldn’t even text because there was a cranky old lady in charge of the waiting area.”

Ava smiled.

“Well, look now, before the nurse comes back in.”

Susanna pulled out her cell phone and saw the messages from BJ, Monte, and the girls.

“Oh my goodness, Sally went into labor. She’s having the babies.”

“Oh, how wonderful. Are they at the hospital now?” Ava asked as Susanna went over the texts.

“They rushed there an hour ago when Sally’s water broke. Monte says that Mason texted BJ to tell him, and the others are on their way to the hospital. The last text says everyone is waiting there.”

“Oh, this is great news. Sally, Mason, and Steven are having their babies. I want to go there.”

Susanna looked up from her phone and stared at Ava.

“What?” Ava asked.

“You just had surgery. The doctor said straight home and bed rest.”

“The hospital is on the way back home to Delite. It’s fifteen minutes from here. Come on, Susanna, Sally will know something is up if I don’t show.” It would have been great if she was in the same hospital as Sally, but Ava was in a specialized surgical care center specializing in this type of procedure.

“No she won’t, because now that the babies are born, there’s no need to worry about upsetting her. You can tell her.”

“No. Today is a day of celebration for her. I can handle a few minutes of visitation. They won’t allow all of us in there anyway.”

“Okay. Let’s see how you feel when the painkillers wear off and you get out of that bed.”

“No bit of pain will stop me from seeing my two new nephews.”

“Nephews? They don’t even know what they’re having.”

“Oh, Sally is having twin boys. You’ll see,” Ava said as the nurse reentered the room. Susanna quickly placed her cell phone back into her pocket.

“Who’s ready to go home?” the nurse asked. Ava raised her hand and smiled.

* * * *

It had taken Ava and Susanna two hours to get discharged from the hospital. Susanna texted Monte to tell him they were on their way, which earned her a phone call and some reprimanding. Monte and the others were very concerned over Ava. Ava leaned back and rested as they drove to the hospital to see Sally. By the time they arrived, everyone had gone in to see the new mommy and she was asking for Susanna and Ava.

“My God, baby, you should have gone straight home to rest,” Monte said as he gently hugged Ava.

“I’m fine. You know I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” Ava said and Monte smiled.

“You have a few minutes and then they want Sally to rest. The babies are doing fine, but Sally is exhausted.”

“Okay, Monte, we’ll go right now,” Susanna said as she walked with Ava.