“Okay. I feel so tired.”

“That’s understandable. The anesthesia will do that. It should wear off soon. Your sister Susanna is waiting out in the sitting room. Would you like me to go get her?”

Ava remembered that the hospital said relatives only, and since Susanna and the girls were her only family now, she didn’t see any harm in lying. Plus, Susanna was the one who told the grumpy lady in admittance that she and Ava were sisters.

“Yes, please,” she told the nurse, who then disappeared out the door.

Ava tried to sit up when she felt the bandages against her breast.

She wasn’t in any pain, and that she was grateful for.

She closed her eyes as she tried to wake up. She thought about Evan and Colton. Evan, with his handsome features and shoulder-length brown hair. She wanted to run her fingers through the locks and feel his muscular arms hug her. Then she imagined Colton, pressing his back against hers and his strong arms encasing her in his protective shield. They were both so sexy and sweet. Her chest tightened and a feeling of sadness consumed her. She shouldn’t be thinking about them and needing them that way. She hardly knew them, yet felt as if she had known them forever. God, please let the cancer be gone.

A few minutes later, Susanna arrived and slowly approached.

“How are you doing, honey?” she asked then leaned down to kiss Ava’s cheek.

“I feel good. Just waiting for the fuzziness to wear off.”

“I’m going to leave you two alone a few minutes, while I go get the doctor. Call me if you need anything,” the nurse stated then left the room.

/> “What time is it?” Ava asked.

“It’s around noon.”

“Why did it take so long? I went in at ten.”

“I don’t know. The doctor said typically an hour, but he was adamant that he would take his time and be sure to remove the lump. I’m sure he’ll explain everything when he gets in,” Susanna stated then smiled softly.

Ava squeezed her hand.

“Thank you for staying and waiting for me.”

“Of course. We’re sisters remember? We stick together.”

Ava smiled then leaned back and closed her eyes.

“I can’t believe the surgery is over. God, Susanna, I hope he got it all.”

Just then the door opened, and Dr. Nickles entered.

“Hello, ladies. I see you’re awake, Ava. How are you feeling?” He approached on the other side of the bed and took her hand into his.


“Good. Well, everything looks great. I went in, removed the cancerous lump and a little bit of tissue surrounding the area. This tissue is being looked at by a pathologist right now. If they don’t show any signs of cancer, which I’m confident they won’t, then I think we got it. Depending on the numbers I get from the samples, I’m thinking worst scenario would be some chemo for a short period of time to ensure that the cancer didn’t spread or maybe radiation treatments. It all depends on these results.”

“Oh God, more waiting then,” Ava whispered.

“Listen, I got the cancer out. I was thorough, and took a little bit more of the surrounding tissue to be certain. Sometimes, cancer can spread, because their cells grow faster than normal cells. This is procedure, but again, I’m confident that you’re in the clear.”

“How long before we receive the results?” Susanna asked.

“Within the day. I’ll call you at home later on. Now, what you have under these bandages are some stitches. You’ll have to come back to get them removed next week. Not a big deal. I didn’t take any samples from your lymphoid under the armpits, because I didn’t think it was necessary. I feel that the cancer was still within that lump, which was on the small side. It wasn’t near enough to any lymphoid for concern and those tests we’re waiting for will confirm this. Again, Ava, it was so crucial that you came to me as soon as you found that lump. Unfortunately, many women don’t do the simple breast tests in the shower or in bed at night. A few minutes of exam could save lives. I really believe that you got to me in time.”

“Thank you so much. That makes me feel so much better,” Ava said as tears filled her eyes.

“Me, too. I’m going to be sure to tell all the other women to do those tests. It’s easy and not the least bit inconvenient,” Susanna added, and the doctor smiled.