“What’s that?”

“I think I like her and I want to get to know her better.”

Colton felt his chest tighten.

“Then do it,” he whispered, but he couldn’t help but say it in anger, and his brother picked up on his tone immediately.

They stared at one another. No more words were exchanged until Evan spoke after a spell of silence.

“I guess we need to talk about this when we get home.”

“Nothing to talk about.” Colton took another sip from his beer.

* * * *

It was late, and Ava came out from the back room to see that the crowd was slowly dwindling down. Toward Juliet’s bar, she could see the gathering of her friends as well as Colton and Evan. She had to admit that it had been a long time since she felt any type of attraction or zing for a man, never mind two, in quite some time. Sure, she had appreciated a fine-looking cowboy just like any other sane woman, but this was different. She recognized the depth of this interest. She wasn’t born yesterday.

She took a deep breath and debated about joining Susanna and the others or just hightailing it outta there for the night. But then Juliet was waving her over and the others turned to look. As Colton and Evan’s eyes locked on to hers, she felt the invisible connection between them. Now this was definitely bad timing. She was tired, sore, and ready for bed. Reluctantly, she pulled herself closer toward them as Juliet handed her a martini, just the way she liked it. Dry, with two olives.

“Thank you, Juliet.” She took the martini from her hand and turned back toward the others. They were engaging in conversation about the swimming hole behind Monte and BJ’s house. It was a beautiful setting, and in a few days the girls had planned on going there to do a little sunbathing and resting.

“It is so nice down there. I can’t wait,” Elise said.

“I’m not sure that it’s safe for you to go swimming,” Tommy said. Elise gave him a look of shock.

“Yeah, there’s uneven ground and dips. You could lose your balance and get hurt,” Vic added.

“For crying out loud. You can’t be serious?” Elise asked them. Ava turned away smiling and knowing that another little argument was about to erupt.

“What’s that smirk about?” Evan asked her as he moved closer to Ava. She was now standing between him and his brother Colton. Both men towered over her, and she was wearing heeled boots.

“Not a thing.” She took another sip of her martini. The liquor felt warm going down her throat. When it hit her belly, she absorbed the sensation and hoped it would relax her. Ava was suddenly feeling a little nervous.

“Are you going to join your friends at the swimming hole?” Evan asked as he eyed her drink. She wondered if he thought she was stuck up because she enjoyed a good martini. Why that even mattered she wasn’t certain, but she was too set in her ways to change for anyone. Beer was meant for pizza and wings, as far as she was concerned.

“I might. I don’t know how to swim though.”

Colton whipped his head around. That statement obviously got his attention and now both Banks brothers were staring down at her.

“Say that again?” Colton asked.

“I don’t know how to swim.”

“Then you’re not going,” Evan stated firmly. Too firmly, for her liking. Colton tapped her wrist and she turned back to look at him even though she felt a bit annoyed at Evan. Who did he think he was anyway?

“He means that you shouldn’t go anywhere near the swimming hole if you can’t swim. It could be dangerous, honey,” Colton said, but the last few syllables came out in a whisper as his gaze held hers. Her heart was pounding inside of her chest, and she could tell that Colton was feeling the same attraction she was.

“I’m a big girl, Colton, and I wouldn’t do anything foolish.”

“Maybe we should join you. That way we can keep an eye on you ladies,” Evan added.

“I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you? But, it’s a ladies-only event. No guys.” She felt that tinge of annoyance at thinking that Evan’s comment meant he wanted to see her and her friends in bathing suits.

She took a sip from her martini.

“Hey, I didn’t mean anything ungentlemanlike about joining you. Not that I won’t be fantasizing about what you may look like in a bikini, but my comment was in concern and consideration and nothing lascivious.”

She looked him over as if contemplating whether he was being truthful or not, but before she could comment, he placed his finger under her chin to tilt it up toward his face and he stared into her eyes.