“What beer?” Evan replied.

“Well, it’s the least I can do to return the favor when you got me that coffee.” She turned toward Juliet, who was working behind the bar.

“Juliet, give them whatever they want. It’s on me.” Juliet gave Ava a wink and then she smiled wide before pumping her fist by her side. Ava wondered what that was about but dismissed it as she turned back toward Colton and Evan.

“What do you mean?” Colton asked as Evan stood closer to Ava and both men were now watching her.

“He got me a coffee the other day when I was in the park. It was nice of him, so I figured I would return the favor.”

“This didn’t happen to be on Tuesday did it?” Colton asked as he gave his brother a look. Evan smiled then shrugged his shoulders.

“Yes, it was on Tuesday, why?” Ava asked.

“Oh, no reason. It just confirms why he was so late getting back to the ranch with the supplies.”

“Oh, I’m sorry if I caused him to be late.”

Colton turned back to look at Ava.

He looked at her body and then her face as if he were trying to see through her or maybe if she was sincerely sorry. She wasn’t certain at all.

“I guess I’ll forgive him considering that I’d be late, too, if I bumped into you in town or, let’s say, in the woods while jogging.”

She hadn’t expected that, and then she felt her cheeks warm as she lowered her eyes.

“I apologized for bumping into you in the woods, Colton. I did lose my footing on the dirt and pebbles.”

“I know. I’ll accept this beer as an apology and we’ll move on from here.” He winked.

“Well, I should get back to work. You guys enjoy yourselves.” She quickly got out of there.

She couldn’t help but be shocked at her attraction to not just Evan, but Colton, too. Why now, when her future felt so uncertain?

* * * *

“Why didn’t you tell me that you bumped into Ava in town?” Colton asked and he couldn’t believe how jealous he felt. She was a very attractive woman, and seemed sincere and kind of shy. Not anything like the women they had met thus far since returning to Delite.

“I don’t know. You basically attacked me when I arrived back at the ranch. So I guess it slipped my mind.”

“How could speaking with a woman as gorgeous as Ava slip your mind?”

“Hey, apparently it slipped your mind, too. So you met her in the woods while jogging? You never mentioned that to me. You’re not interested in her, are you?” Evan asked.

“No, no, why would you ask that? I don’t date.”

“Well, I don’t either, but she would be worth hopping back into the saddle with. She’s hot, Colton.”

“She’s too young and I’m not interested.” Colton took a slug of beer and stared at Evan. Then Colton looked over Evan’s shoulder until he spotted Ava. She was talking with a group of guys and two girls.

“Oh yeah, my brother finally found what he’s been looking for,” Evan teased.

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about your attraction to Ava.”

“Who wouldn’t be attracted to her? She’s perfect.”

“Well, then you and I have a little problem.”