Monte didn’t flinch. “I’ll get it.” He rose up and walked over to her desk. She tightened her legs together and prayed that when she got up there wouldn’t be a pool of her sticky cream covering the leather, evidence to how turned on Monte made her.

“That was Ava. She said she’d take care of everything if you wanted to head home early. I told her I was driving you.”

Chapter 4

“Ava, we’ve got a problem,” Juliet stated over the walkie-talkies.

“What’s the problem?” Ava asked as she looked toward the front entrance and saw Tyler Depolis, the fire marshal heading inside with a clipboard. Just as she prepared to speak with him, she saw Paula cut him off. Ava smiled. Paula would handle the situation for them.

“Forget it. Paula’s got it covered,” Juliet chimed in then laughed.

* * * *

Paula saw Tyler and she knew why he was there. The place was jam–packed, and she had tried her hardest to maintain the numbers allowed by the fire marshal, but it was difficult with people coming and going.

She approached cautiously. He was a hard-ass and older than her by a good seven years. She heard him talking with Big Dog.

“I want to know why so many people were allowed entry into this place. There are safety rules for a reason!” He looked around the area. Behind him, Paula motioned with her hand for Juliet and Ava to start moving people out of the building. G-Force and the other bouncers would help.

“Good evening!” Paula yelled over the loud music as she approached Tyler. She was glad she wore her short skirt and shimmering tank top tonight. But one look from Tyler as his eyes roamed over her body and he looked angry.

She widened her eyes at him and ignored his blatant disapproval of her sexy attire.

“I said good evening. What’s going on?” she asked him.

He cleared his throat and stared down at her. He had a good foot or so over her and was definitely rough around the edges. His shoulder-length brown hair was sexy, and his deep brown eyes held her gaze.

“You know what the problem is, Paula,” he stated, but she had to move closer to him to hear.

She touched his arm and leaned closer then lifted on her tiptoes so her ear could reach where he was speaking from.

“I said, you know why I’m here. This place has too many people inside. You need to get them out of here or I’m closing you down.”

Paula instantly got annoyed, but she noticed that the crowds were moving out, and soon they wouldn’t be violating any occupancy laws. She kept him engaged in conversation.

“Closing me down? Are you out of your mind? We’ve worked our asses off to get to this point and now you want to start messing with us? What are you really after?”

He scowled at her.

She crossed her arms in front of her chest, causing her cleavage to push forward. His eyes looked it over then back up at her.

“Yeah, Inspector, my eyes are up here,” she stated along with hand gestures.

He shook his head.

“Damn it, Paula, I’ve got a job to do.”

“Not here you don’t. We’re not violating any laws.”

“Sure you are. This isn’t safe with crowds this big. What if there was a fire?”

“Everything is fine. I really don’t know why you’re here. Look around you. Does it look like we have more than five hundred people in here?” He turned to look around, and she could see the shock on his face. She felt a bit guilty for tricking him, but the business and her friends came first.

He scowled at her as he grabbed her arm and ushered her to the nearby wall.

“I don’t know how you did that, Paula, but I’m watching you.”

She pulled her arm from his grasp despite her body’s need to be close to him. She was so damn attracted to the man she wished he would inspect her. He was older and probably not interested in a younger woman like herself.