“You can keep your eyes on me, but you’re not allowed to touch.” She turned to leave, and she walked right into a solid chest of muscle.

“Is there a problem here?” Matt, Tyler’s brother, asked as he steadied her but didn’t release his hold.

“No problem. Your brother was just leaving.”

But then Tyler moved against her back, and she was now sandwiched between the two hottest men she had ever met in her life. Her heart raced as Matt looked over her shoulder at Tyler. They were the same exact height, but Matt was a few years younger than Tyler.

“There were too many people in here. I was going to give her a citation.”

“Yeah, I saw you come in and I saw her ushering people out while she kept you occupied.” Matt looked over her breasts. She swallowed hard.

“She can be a distraction, especially with a body like hers.” Matt held her by her waist.

“You saw her do that?” Tyler sounded insulted. The crowd around them grew bigger again, and Matt was bumped just like Tyler was. She was caught between them as she lost her balance and both men held her.

“I think you two can have this conversation together. I need to get back to work.” But neither man let her go.

“I think the three of us should have a conversation.” Matt leaned down to whisper into Paula’s ear, “You look edible, honey.”

She lifted her chin trying to get a better scent of his cologne. He smelled enticing, but then she felt Tyler release her hips and step aside.

“I need to go. Don’t have time for games.”

“Who’s playing games?” she asked him as Matt released her hips and she stared at Tyler.

“We’re grown men, little girl. We know what we want and you can’t handle it.” He tipped his hat at her then walked away, saying good-bye to Big Dog and G-Force on his way out.

Paula felt angry and frustrated. Then she felt Matt grab her hand then hold her hips.

She looked up at him as she stood sideways.

“He likes you, but you keep messing with him. He’s just looking out for you and your friends just like Sheriff Parker.”

“I appreciate that.”

“Do you

really?” he asked, still holding her by her hips and staring into her eyes.

“I’ve got to go. Later, Matt.”

“You betcha, doll. Just remember, you keep running and eventually we’ll catch you.”

Paula walked away and wondered what the hell just happened back there. Matt was all suave and Tyler seemed interested and then he made her feel like a child. She didn’t need that type of man. Maybe he was too old for her.

Chapter 5

“They’re in Nebraska.”

“What? Who is? What the hell are you talking about, Brook?” Casper asked as he sat up in bed and gripped the phone tighter. He glanced over at the blonde female lying next to him.

“I tracked two of Susanna’s cousins.”

Casper sat up and walked out of the bedroom and into his office.

“Are you fucking sure?” he asked, feeling his heart rate increase. He felt excited about the news. “Where? Where are they, and have you spotted my Susanna?” he asked.

“No. I think she ditched the two cousins of hers. I’ve been tracking them for four days now.”