“That’s Miss Queens, huh?” he asked, referring to where Eve grew up.

Skip took the beer the bartender placed down for him and then he looked at Blade. He couldn’t help but be fearful. The man was a killer, and Skip knew what he and Jerry did to that young girl that night. Blade made it all disappear so he owed him. Still.

“I understand you heard from Mickie,” Blade said to Skip.

“I did.”

“And that you gave him the okay to find Shelby.”

“I just wanted to make sure that she’s safe,” Skip told him.

“And you want to complete our contract that you agreed to and I never got to benefit from.”

“Are you serious, Blade? It’s been two years. She took off and probably has a new life.”

“She’s still mine.” Skip felt sick. He and Jerry had been desperate and willing to offer anything if Mickie and Blade could make their fuckup disappear. They never expected to be asked to offer Shelby, his girlfriend, as part of the payment. He even helped Blade do a few jobs, illegal deliveries of drugs and prostitutes to high-paying men looking for clean women. He knew the locations of a few secret spots for these encounters to take place. He figured he was done.

“It isn’t over, and the contract is still active, unless you’re reneging on it. Then that’s a different story,” he threatened, and Skip felt his entire body react. He looked toward Eve and Jerry. Eve would hate them if she ever found out what he and Jerry did that night. But after watching what Blade started to do to Shelby as Mickie watched, he felt sick and like such a fucking loser to have let that happen. He knew from the streets that Blade was evil. His ability with a knife was expert level and Skip knew he had no chance against him. But he did record information and transactions. He wrote down locations, dates, and times and even had pictures. Enough shit to put both Blade and Mickie behind bars for life. So with that security, he listened to what Blade wanted. If things got screwed up and Blade double crossed him then Blade would be the one going to jail.

“Just tell me what it is you want.”

“Shelby. Completely mine and without you interfering.”

“She’s not mine anymore, and never really was. I treated her like shit.”

“But you asked that Mickie find her and even bring her to you.”

“To make sure that she’s okay.”

Blade chuckled. “To fuck her one more time, and maybe even see if she’ll join you and Jerry in your threesome with Miss Queens.” He squinted his eyes at him. “Things are different now. She’s mine. You understand me?”

“You came here just to tell me that? I don’t think so. What is it you want from me?”

Blade took a slug of beer from his bottle. “What you did the last time but failed at.”


“Get her here. You and Jerry still owe me.” He pulled out a piece of paper.

“Bring her to this address, Apartment 305. You remember the location?”

“It’s one of the buildings you use for—”

“For business.”

“I don’t even know where she is.”

“I do. You and Jerry will need to be really careful. She’s got some guys around her all the time. This town she lives in is a little strange. You’d actually like it because men share their women.” He glanced at Eve.

“Get this done within the week and Eve will stay looking pretty.”

He felt sick, and like he lost all his coloring in his face. This was never going to end. He would always owe Blade. There had to be something he could do.

“If you don’t get this done, she’ll end up like the last bitch I had to get rid of for you. Don’t fail me.”

“After this, we’re done. Our debt to you is paid, and that’s it,” Skip stated. Blade held his gaze.

“I’ll decide that.”