Skip walked away and knew that he needed to talk to Jerry and get a plan in motion. They had a lot of shit on Mickie and Blade. A lot of concrete stuff they could use to get them off their backs forever.

“So what did he want?” Jerry asked him.

“We need to make a trip, and then it’s done,” he said to Jerry.

“What trip? Where do you need to go? Who is that guy?” Eve asked. Skip pulled her into his arms and hugged her close.

“Hopefully someone we don’t ever have to see again after this trip.”

Jerry looked at him with a scowl on his face.

Skip nodded his head. “We’ll talk later. I’ve got a plan, and we’ll need to finalize some things before we leave.”

Jerry nodded and then looked over to where Blade had been. Skip did the same but he knew the man was already gone. Shelby didn’t stand a chance, and he, Jerry, and Eve would always have to worry about owing Blade something more. He had to ensure that Eve didn’t wind up like Shelby, too, because of him and Jerry. He was already coming up with some ideas. First he needed to figure out how he would get Shelby out of South Carolina without drawing any attention or notifying any cops.

He felt the hand on his arm and then Eve pressed herself against him. “If you guys are in some kind of trouble, I want to help. I’ll do whatever you need. I don’t want to lose you guys,” Eve said to him and he held her tight and Jerry smiled as he caressed her back.

“We’re a team, a family now,” Jerry told her and he ran his hand up and down her back. Eve could never know about their past, but she had done some illegal things, too, that they knew of. Nothing like what they did, but she wasn’t perfect.

“I want to go with you. I can help. Please.”

“No, Eve, I don’t want you involved with this,” Skip said to her.

“I’m already involved. I’ve heard of Blade, that man you were talking to. You owe him something, don’t you?” she asked.

Skip took a deep breath and caressed her hair. “It’s nothing for you to worry about.”

“I can tell it is. Let me help,” Eve said and Jerry shrugged his shoulders.

“We’ll talk about it,” Skip told her and she hugged him tight. As he looked at Jerry, his mind began to come up with a plan to get Shelby out of South Carolina and to the apartment building in SoHo. Maybe she could be a help after all.

* * * *

“So things have been good?” Caroline asked Shelby as they sat in her kitchen having glasses of wine. The guys were on the porch and cooking on the grill.

Shelby played with her wine glass. “Things are good.”

“Just good?” Caroline pushed as she raised one of her eyebrows. Her sister was being shy and she found

it funny as she chuckled. Caroline knew firsthand how different it was to be in a ménage relationship. Hell, to be in a committed and loving relationship where she finally felt at peace. She wanted that for Shelby.

Shelby held her gaze and looked past her to be sure the men couldn’t hear her.

“It’s amazing. Almost perfect, actually.”

Caroline smiled. “I’m so happy for you. I knew that if you let your guard down that you would see that Kenneth, Bender, and Sam really care about you.”

“I know they do. I’m trying to be accepting to this relationship. I know I love them, Caroline, but I still fear something bad is going to happen. It’s like I’m holding back just enough to be mentally prepared for it to fall apart.”

“That’s understandable with everything that happened, and the scars and all, but they’ve more than proven their love for you. It’s hard to not let go when all three men are inside of you, loving you in that way. It’s amazing,” Caroline whispered and felt her cheeks warm. Shelby swallowed hard and held her gaze.

“I haven’t done that yet.”

“What? Why not? It’s been weeks and they’re older, more experienced. Haven’t they wanted to?” Caroline asked.

“They understand my fears, and they told me that when I fully trust them and trust in this relationship and the bond, and when I know I’m ready, then it’s right.”

Caroline felt her eyes fill up with tears. She covered her sister’s hand.