The sound of her laughter as Sam tickled her and then pulled from her body and crawled off the bed hit a special spot in Bender’s heart. He felt the bond between the four of them. It was instant and so amazing he was in awe. But then he laid eyes on Shelby as she curled onto her side and used her arm to hide her breasts. He shook his head as he rolled her to her back.

“There’ll be none of that, sexy. It’s my turn to explore.” He raised one of his eyebrows at her, teasing her. She blushed and he caressed along her thighs. He leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. It felt good, right, and he waited so long for this day to come.

He used his hands to explore her body. He caressed her arms and then raised them up above her head. He lowered his pelvis over her hips so she could feel how aroused and needy he was to claim her.

“I love your lips. I’ve dreamt of kissing them, of feeling your breath against my skin.”

“Really?” she whispered, sounding uncertain. He massaged down her arms, and when she kept them raised above her head and the pillow he felt relieved. He wasn’t sure if that move would scare her or remind her of being bound against her will. He felt the tightness in his chest and leaned down to lick her nipple and to pull his mind to the present. She was safe, in their arms, right here in front of them, and they would ensure her safety.

He rocked his hips against her mound. “I love your eyes, too, the way they show such emotion. I can’t wait to see what you look like when you come with my cock deep inside of you.”

Her lips parted and she reached up and cupped his cheeks. Tears filled her eyes. He could see that.

“I’m sorry I kept pushing you away. I thought what I was doing was right. I didn’t want you to see my body.”

“Shhh, baby, that’s behind us. You know now that we care so much. We just hate to see you suffering and feeling down about yourself and insecure, when you’re so damn beautiful. Can’t you feel how hard I am?” he asked her and pressed his cock against her mound.

“I need you, too,” she whispered and he lowered down and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and held on as he shifted and reached between them to align his cock with her pussy. When he was set and she was trying to get him inside, he thrust all the way in. She moaned into his mouth and his entire body erupted in joy. He felt the relief, and it was immense how deeply he felt because of how long he had waited for this.

“My God, baby,” he said after releasing her lips.

“Bender. Oh,” she moaned and he lifted up and began to stroke into her faster, to bring her pleasure and to make her feel what he was feeling. The emotions, the desire to possess her and protect her at the same time was crazy. The more he thrust in and out of her, the deeper his feelings for her and his desire of her grew. Had his brothers felt the same thing? He knew the answer and wanted to rejoice in knowing they found their mate, their woman to make all their dreams come true. Did Shelby want the same things? Did she want a large family? Three husbands to adore her, cater to her every need, and love her? Holy shit. As he stroked faster, he thought all these crazy things at once. He blocked them from his mind and focused on loving her, pleasing her, and seeking that inner almost prehistoric need to fuck and claim what was his.

He spread her thighs wider and ran his hands under her ass and pumped his hips. Her breasts bounced, her eyes held his, and he knew she was feeling what he was.


“Yours,” she instantly replied and that was it. He thrust and stroked and she cried out her release and he followed, calling her name. When he fell to her and rolled her to the side so he wouldn’t crush her, he kissed her deeply. She ran her hands along his back and he caressed her hair and then cupped her head. He pulled back.

“Incredible. You’re everything, always, Shelby. Always remember that.”

Then he kissed her and held her in his arms until his brothers came over with a warm washcloth and a towel to take care of their woman and enjoy this time they shared.

* * * *

“Did Skip call you?” Mickie asked Blade as they stood by the bar having a beer. He had already discussed a little business with him and passed over an envelope of money for doing a job. Blade was one sick bastard. He liked to lay a beating on someone for the right price. Hell, he’d knock someone off if Mickie asked him to.

“Why would he call me? I haven’t spoken to him in a long time.”

“Seriously?” Mickie asked him. He did remember laying low for a while after the Shelby thing and the contract deal. The cops nearly found out about Jerry and Skip raping some girl and then leaving her for dead. Blade had to finish the job and Mickey had to ensure that no one came snooping around asking questions. Plus, he was supposed to get to watch. He nearly passed out when Blade said he would take care of the woman Jerry and Skip raped and left for dead if he could have Shelby to play with. The sick fuck had his own fetishes, and cutting up chicks while he screwed them was his number one deal.

Blade took a slug of his beer. He was a big guy, dark hair to his shoulders, dark brown eyes, and a little scruff along his cheeks. He looked like the kind of guy you would avoid big time. Plus he was well trained and could kick anyone’s ass.

“You should know him and I parted ways after Shelby took off.” Blade said her name and Mickie saw the emotion. The guy really did have a thing for her.

“That’s why I called Skip. I thought for sure he would have let you know that I saw her. Shelby,” he told him, and Blade immediately looked at Mickie.

“Where?” he asked very seriously.

“In South Carolina a few days ago. I tried putting out some leads after I saw her.”

“How did she look?”

Mickie raised his eyebrows up and down. “Fucking sexy as hell.”

Blade squinted his eyes at him. “Where in South Carolina? What did Skip say to do?” Blade asked.

“Skip gave the okay to find her but he didn’t seem too thrilled. I think when she took off she broke his heart.” Mickie took another slug of beer.