“He’s seeing some slut from Queens right now. He doesn’t deserve a woman like Shelby.”

“You sound like you want her for yourself.”

“She belongs with me. If I had the time I was promised, and didn’t have to get the hell out of there because I covered Jerry and Skip’s asses for what they did, then Shelby would have been mine. There’s no doubt she would still be mine.”

“How the hell could you think that? She wasn’t exactly cooperative that night.”

“She would have learned to be. A real man would never put his woman as a negotiating tool on a contract, especially one where he covered fucking some woman and leaving her for dead with his best friend.”

“Lower you voice, man,” Mickie said.

“I had a plan but then she disappeared. I looked for her, too, and nothing. She’s smart and resourceful. Skip never gave her credit for that or for how beautiful she was.”

“So why did you cut her? Those were bound to leave scars.”

Blade looked at him like he had nerve asking him such a question. Mickie swallowed hard. He wasn’t afraid of much, but of Blade, he was terrified.

“Those were the only marks I would have left. It was done on purpose so she knew I owned her body. I marked it. Those were a reminder that I own that body and those wouldn’t go away just like me. So give me the location you last saw her. I’ll find her, as soon as I’m done with this newest job.”

“What about Skip?”

> “Screw Skip, and Jerry, too. He had his chance. He doesn’t get a second one.”

“And if he calls me to ask me if I found her?”

“Tell him she’s mine and I’m cashing in on the contract we agreed on. It’s been less than two years. That contract is forever binding.”

Mickie smiled and then took a slug from his beer bottle. “I was in that contract, too. It was verbal that I would get to watch.”

Blade looked at him with disgust but Mickie didn’t care. Shelby was one hot little sweet number. Any guy would love to tap that.

“That part isn’t binding. No chance in hell, unless you find her before I do, then we’ll negotiate a little peek at what’s mine.”

“How about if I totally find her and get her delivered right to you? Do I get to watch you take her the first time?”

Blade stared at him. “I doubt you’ll be able to accomplish that.”

“But if I do?”

“We’ll negotiate,” Blade said and then drank down the rest of his beer and pulled out his cell phone.

“Address?” he asked, and Mickie pulled out his cell and then gave him the address, told him all about how they met, and then how she disappeared from the parking lot. Soon after he left, Mickie sat there wondering how he was going to find her before Blade did. Then he wondered who would be caught in the line of fire and how he would be able to negotiate his services for the right price, or in this case, the right piece of ass. He smiled and then he thought about a plan. Maybe this would work out for him after all.

* * * *

Shelby hung her head under the spray of the water in the shower. Her muscles felt a little sore and other body parts as well. She closed her eyes and smiled. She couldn’t believe that she had sex with Bender, Kenneth, and Sam. She didn’t even want to face the fact that Kenneth was her boss. How bad was that? Did she really care? Well, she needed the job, so it may be a problem. She snorted. She couldn’t see it being a problem unless he pulled her into his office in the middle of the day to have sex.

She thought about Kenneth. He was a disciplinarian and expected things to be done at his command, in perfect condition and most professional. She imagined him asking her to his office, telling her to lock the door, and then ordering her to her knees to suck him down as he sat at his desk and did work.

She shook her head. What in God’s name am I thinking? He would never do that. I would never do that.

She put the conditioner in her hair and as she closed her eyes she remembered some of the fantasies she had about all three men. She actually could see Kenneth pressing her over his desk, lifting her skirt, and fucking her from behind.

Hell, he would spank her just like she imagined Bender and Sam doing.

Jeesh. She fantasized about Bender and his handcuffs. How he would come into her house, frisk her, and then have his wicked way with her. She practically moaned just thinking about him doing that and about his body. Their bodies were perfection. Especially Sam’s who had rips and ridges and was tall and with very little body hair. He had baby soft skin on his cheeks and she loved kissing him, exploring his neck and chest with all those muscles. But she knew he was capable and strong. A man with abilities and talents she knew nothing about and shouldn’t ask either. They might scare her to know he could hurt her twenty different ways as a trained soldier should know.

She remembered how worried Kenneth and Bender were last year when Sam had gone on some mission and something went wrong. He came back but they didn’t know if he was dead or alive, and it weighed a toll on them. She could never handle being a soldier’s wife. It would mean too much worrying. She wouldn’t be able to sleep or eat. She gave those women credit, and she was relieved that Sam no longer did missions but worked at the base a few towns away from here. That thought shocked her, too. Who was she to be grateful for that?