“But we have the full license plate and a description of these guys. They won’t get away with this. We’ll find them,” the officer said and Taylor mumbled something incoherent.

“Miss, can you come with me? I have some questions for you and we need to document those injuries,” the officer said.

She went to move.

“We’ll bring her over. She’s with us. We’ll get her home to Chance,” Kurt said and she didn’t say a word. She knew better than to argue with men from Chance and especially Kurt and Taylor. They would get her home safely, and then it would all sink in and she would be scared to go anywhere. I was attacked and nearly abducted by two men I had dinner with? This is so embarrassing.

* * * *

“I want to know who the fuck these men are and how the hell they disappeared and no one can find their vehicle or their whereabouts.” Warner yelled into his cell phone. He was standing outside of Mercedes’s home along with his brothers, Mike, and the sheriff. Dr. Anders was inside with Mercedes and all her friends were there with their men, too. It was a fucking madhouse.

But Kurt was still on edge and angry at what took place. If they hadn’t been there, watching over Mercedes, then those men would have abducted her. They’d meant her harm. They’d hit her like it was nothing and the sight of those bruises enraged him. If only he had gotten to her sooner, he could have at least grabbed the guy who assaulted her. But he and Taylor were calling it an end to the night when they saw the guy kiss Mercedes. Their hearts were heavy and as they headed out to the parking lot they heard the squealing of tires, saw Mercedes fighting off the guy who held her over the shoulder, and then him hitting her. He would never get the images out of his head. Never.

Kurt paced and Taylor was talking to Mike, Will, Leo, and Hank.

“Well work on it. I want full involvement and if you don’t have the fucking answers I want by nine a.m. then I’m taking full control and calling in my people,” Warner said and disconnected the call. He placed his hands on his hips and explained what the police and detectives in Wager County had thus far along with the state police.

“They don’t seem like they’re on top of this or taking it too seriously,” Max said, looking upset.

“They aren’t. They almost sound like they fucking think it was just two guys trying to take advantage of a young woman on a date. They tried to tell me that no other similar situations have occurred in Wager or any nearby locations. I just think they don’t have the man power or the resources to really investigate this properly. It’s not their fault, but I’m not leaving this up to them. I’m going to get involved. We’re going to,” Warner said and looked at Kurt. Kurt nodded his head.

“I am, too. She’s our responsibility,” Taylor stated and he was straight-faced

and firm.

“So you’re making an official claim to Mercedes? As protectors?” Max added as he asked them and held Warner’s gaze.

“She’s ours. This never should have happened and nothing like this will ever happen to her again. That good enough for you, Max?” Warner asked but didn’t wait for a reply. He looked at Kurt.

“Let Taylor remain here for the night with her. You and I have some investigating to do and some calls to make. I want those assholes behind bars within twenty-four hours. They’re already hours ahead of us. You know what we need to do,” he said and Kurt nodded his head.

“Take care of her, Taylor, and we’ll touch base later,” Kurt told Taylor and Taylor nodded.

Kurt glanced toward the house and worried about Mercedes’s safety. But she would have lots of people around her for the next week at least. Plus Taylor was there. He’d stay right in her room with his gun cocked and ready if necessary just for peace of mind.

He caught up to Warner and got into the truck.

Warner stepped on the gas and got out of there.

“Call Breaker, have him notify Slick, Pinto, and Gemini that we need their skills.”

“Seriously?” Kurt asked as he pulled out his cell phone. Warner looked at him.

“You guys went over your part of the story of what happened tonight and Mercedes went over hers. This was not some slick game two assholes wanted to play out with some innocent unknowing female. It has all the indicators of something bigger,” Warner told him as he stepped on the gas and headed home.

Taylor didn’t like the sound of that and he instantly knew where his brother was heading. He thought about the conversation at Spencer’s with Mike, Danny, and Jack.

“You think this could be part of one of those groups you mentioned at Spencer’s?”

Warner didn’t even look his way.

“Think about what we know thus far. Think about the extent these individuals went to grab Mercedes.”

Kurt felt his blood pressure boiling.

“I’m with you on this. I’ll do whatever is necessary to find these guys before they try to hurt another woman.”

Warner nodded his head and Kurt took an unsteady breath. They could have lost Mercedes tonight. Those men could have done terrible things to her or even sold her for money. Bile rose in his throat and he tried swallowing it down as Warner pulled onto the long private road then to their home. They would find the men responsible. They would protect Mercedes from here on out and prove to her that she belonged with them and was safe with them forever.