“The food is here.” She clasped her hands together as she saw the lobster tails. She hadn’t wanted him to order something so costly but he insisted that she would love them, and he and Damien were in the mood for them.

“Perfect. Let’s enjoy our meal and then maybe go to the bar for a drink or perhaps a walk out by the marina. It’s a lovely night,

” he said and she smiled then went about eating. They talked some more and Jeff made her laugh a few times. He was funny, and seemed very nice, but she wasn’t really attracted to him. But she hadn’t been out on a date in forever so she enjoyed their company.

* * * *

“He picks up her hand and fucking kisses it one more time and I’m going to lose my fucking mind,” Kurt said to Taylor.

“Join the fucking club,” Taylor said into his wrist mic. Warner had stayed home. He was sick and felt that he’d make them lose their opportunity with Mercedes. They all knew how gorgeous she was and kind, and any man who grabbed her attention would be in heaven to have her. They should have made a move. Now they were watching over her and this first date with two dickheads they knew nothing about. But they took a lot of pictures. If these guys broke her heart, they would make their lives a living hell.

* * * *

Mercedes walked along the boardwalk by the marina with Jeff on one side and Damien on the other. They ran out of things to talk about and she turned toward them as they stopped by the end and near a set of stairs that led back up to the parking lot at the side of the building. It was darker down here, and only two low-lit lampposts lit the area.

“Well, I think I should call it a night. I have to drive back and I have a lot to do tomorrow,” she said and Damien squinted his eyes at her but Jeff pulled her closer. He cupped her cheek and looked down into her eyes.

“Do you have to? The night is young,” he said and as she went to answer him, he kissed her.

She knew instantly that she didn’t have those feelings for him. She pressed her hands against his chest and pulled back. She took a retreating step.

“I’m sorry, Jeff. I think I should go.”

“Are you sure?” Damien asked her and she nodded her head and headed up the stairs. She got to the top of the stairs and Jeff stopped her.

Damien wasn’t in sight.

“I’m sorry if I came on too strong. You looked so pretty in the moonlight and I truly enjoyed our conversation this evening. I hoped that you would consider getting to know us better,” he said and caressed her skin.

“Your skin is so soft and you smell so good. You’re exactly what they had in mind.”

“They?” she asked as he walked with her and held her hand. She heard the screeching sound of tires and then felt him lift her up and hurry toward a dark Navigator. The door swung open. She was scared and instantly began to fight. She didn’t know what the hell was happening and she kicked him hard. He dropped her to the ground and then went for her and she punched him in the eye. He swung at her.

“Stupid bitch,” he yelled and swung again, hitting her jaw, her cheek, and then he ripped her dress as he pulled her up by the top.

“Stop right there. Stop!” a deep voice yelled. Jeff shoved her, jumped into the Navigator, and sped out of the parking lot.

“Mercedes. Baby, are you okay?” Kurt asked her and she could hear Taylor yelling into his phone and giving a description of the vehicle and asking for police to respond to an attempted abduction.

She was crying. The pain and the fear of what happened set in and Kurt pulled her into his arms and held her tight. She cried against his shoulder, the feel of his body—hard, comforting, protective—easing her hysterical state.

She slowly pulled back and Taylor bent down on his knee and softly pushed her hair from her face. She looked at both of them.

“Son of a bitch. I’m going to find those fucking assholes and kill them,” Kurt said and she shook in his arms.

“You’re scaring her, bro. Ease up. She’s safe. Thank God we were here,” Taylor said and used his thumb to brush away the tears from her eyes.

“I don’t know what happened. Why were you here?” she asked them.

“We were watching over you, Mercedes. Things are going to change. This shit is never going to happen again,” Kurt told her. Dark blue eyes held hers and then he placed his hand against the back of her head and pressed her face back to his chest and held her tight. She couldn’t stop shaking. Jeff and Damien tried to abduct her. What were they planning on doing to her? Crazy thoughts went through her head as sirens blared in the distance. Then it hit her. Taylor and Kurt had been there watching her. They’d known she was on a date. They seemed angry, but they saved her life. Did they have deeper feelings for her than what they revealed? Where was Warner? Maybe he didn’t care. This was a mess. I could have gotten taken, raped and even killed tonight. How stupid of me to think they were nice guys. Oh God, how embarrassing. Kurt and Taylor will think I’m naive and stupid, immature and a child.

She pulled back.

“Let me up. I’m fine,” she said and he looked at her strangely then helped her to stand on shaky legs. The police were there immediately and they looked angry as they looked her over. Kurt pulled up the material of her dress that lowered so much that her cleavage was showing. Someone handed Taylor a police windbreaker and Taylor handed it to Kurt who helped to cover her.

“They lost sight of the Navigator. We have patrols out looking,” the officer said.

“Fuck,” Taylor yelled, and she jumped and Kurt pulled her close to him and wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her by his side.