“Say the word and I’ll tell Jim we’ve decided to go into hiding for the duration.”

She cupped his handsome face with its slight male rasp. “We can do that in the condo.”

His eyes ignited with light. “Promise?”

“Don’t you know by now I’m out of my mind in love with you?”

“Enough to have a baby with me? I could have made you pregnant last night.”

“I’m hoping you did. But just to make sure, let’s hurry home. We have a lot of lost time to make up for.”

He pressed a kiss to her mouth. It was hot with desire. “I’ll leave you alone to get ready. But I’m warning you now, when we’re back at the condo, you can forget the word privacy.”

“Promise?” she teased.

To her surprise, his expression grew serious.

“What is it, darling?”

“I have something to tell you.”


“I don’t want it to change things between us now.”

Her heart thudded in alarm. “How could anything do that?”

“Because you’re not the average woman.”

She blinked. “Is there something about me you don’t like?”

His eyes closed tightly for a moment. “No, darling. It’s just that you throw yourself into everything you do with such passion.”

“I know. It’s my greatest fault.”

“It’s not a fault. It’s a gift you have. It’s so powerful, you managed to convince the board they shouldn’t have been so hasty in some of their decisions. In a word, you made them see the light.

“They voted to get rid of the ban on children and pets. You’re now in charge of seeing about schools and day care centers. They want you to work up a new sales brochure to present at the next board meeting.”

“Ben!” She practically shrieked in delight.

“I knew it.”

His comment brought her up short. “What?”

He didn’t say anything.


“I can already see that look in your eyes.”

“What look?”

“It’s the one you get when you’re going after something.”

She was trying to understand. “What does this conversation have to do with something changing in our marriage?”

He sucked in his breath. “I’m a possessive man. I’ve found that I don’t like sharing you. The other night when I walked in