the condo and you had dinner ready for me, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven.”

“That’s never going to change. I’m your wife first and always.”

“You say that now…”

“Now and forever,” she declared, stunned by his vulnerability. Who would have guessed? “You think I like being separated from you? I have an idea that will solve our problem. Why don’t I move the chamber of commerce into your office. We’ll work together.” There was fire in her eye as she said, “That way we’ll be able to coordinate all our coffee breaks, long lunches and early dinners.”

He pulled her back in his arms. “As long as it means we spend them in each other’s arms, you have my blessing. I love you, Terri,” he cried as the phone rang again. A reminder that they were going home where they belonged.

Genoa, Italy.

Ben checked his watch. It was ten after five in the evening. He threw down his pen, unable to work at his desk any longer. Feeling at a loose end, he got up from the chair and left his office for the condo.

For the last couple of hours he’d expected Terri to come walking through the doors of their combined office, excited to tell him about her shopping spree.

Earlier in the day she’d gone ashore in one of the tenders with Juanita. They’d decided to pick out some more things for the new day care center Juanita was running with two other licensed day care specialists.

According to Terri, the Italians made the best children’s toys. She wanted to check them out and thought Juanita could use a few hours away from the demands of little Rosita, and her job. Now that all the condos were sold, the center was always filled with small children.

He didn’t like it when Terri was away from him. Hell. He missed her like the devil. Everything fell flat without the wife he adored. She’d promised they’d only be gone part of the day, but he should have realized she’d get engrossed and lose track of the time. What surprised him was that she hadn’t phoned yet.

While the Atlantis was in this part of the Mediterranean for the next few weeks, he planned to take her to Venice and Florence for a surprise on-shore honeymoon. Tomorrow was their four month anniversary.

After breakfast in the morning they would leave the ship. He had a rental car waiting. They would find a charming pensione in the hills of Tuscany and lose themselves in each other for days and nights on end. He might let her out long enough to do a little sightseeing, but he wasn’t making any promises. Her loving brought him alive. As far as he knew, she felt the same way about him.

Would it be enough if he couldn’t give her children? Or if she couldn’t carry a child to full term?

He’d purposely left that subject alone. It was more important to him that they enjoy their honeymoonlike marriage without any pressure that might take away from their joy. When he felt the time was right, he’d talk to her about it. After this side trip was over, he’d get her a new puppy. She was partial to little Pugs.

The second the elevator opened to the foyer he called out to her, hoping to hear her voice. When silence greeted his ears, his disappointment was greater than he could believe.

He headed for the bedroom to shower and change. If she still hadn’t returned by then, he would make dinner to surprise her. But his footsteps stilled when he saw that their bedroom door was closed. There was a sign taped to it.

Stop. Go to the guest bedroom and prepare yourself. You’ll find the necessary clothing on the bed. When you’re ready, knock on this door three times.

Ben would have laughed, but excitement had already started to sweep through him like an F-5 tornado. He swore his adorable wife was going to give him a heart attack one of these days.

Prepare myself.

He chuckled inwardly as he showered in the guest bathroom. But by the time he’d donned the new beige silk robe with an Egyptian motif of all things, his amusement had changed to desire that was building in quantum leaps.

When he stood at the door, his hand trembled harder with each knock.

“Go away unless you are my body servant Orastes.”


“This is the night I celebrate the blessing of life. Only Orastes is permitted the pleasure of my company.”

Suddenly something clicked in his brain.

“It is I, Orastes, your highness.”

“How do I know this is not a trick?”

“You have heard my voice many times before, oh fair one. I live only to serve you.”

“You may enter.”