Max’s fingers slowly tightened, but he didn’t stop rolling. At first, it actually felt even better. More potent. More intense. But only at first. Then those tiny grips started to hurt. Tighter and tighter, Max squeezed as he played.

Sean shifted against the cross. Tugged restlessly at his wrists. But Max’s fingers just kept closing tighter. Sean started to pant. Arched his back and yanked it back. Breathlessly cursed against his shirt.

Max stopped with the rolling, but still held Sean tight. Then he ground his hips provocatively against Sean’s crotch. Sean groaned, trying desperately to focus on that sensation. And he did. A little. But the pain was still there. So he moved his hips, too, to a similar rhythm, rubbing his dick anxiously against Max’s boner. And holy shit, was that man’s cock hard. Sean cursed the denim separating their bodies. Bit down harder on his shirt.

And then Max growled against his ear. “Fuck, yeah. Get into it. Just like that. Shit, Sean. You’re such a little slut.”

Sean’s lips curved upward, even as he grimaced. Max called him a slut. How hot. But then that fucker squeezed extra tight.

“Ahgh!” Sean’s spine bowed.

Max eased his grip and let go of one nipple. “Easy,” he murmured, cupping Sean’s crotch. “Gonna even out the scales now. Give you your reward.”

Sean’s heart pounded wildly. He nodded a quick okay. Then those fingers on his nipple got back to rolling. And that hand on his dick started stroking. Oh, holy shit. The combination was indescribable. Sean moaned super loud. Couldn’t help it. Didn’t care. Just kept rocking his cock against Max’s hand. Not that he couldn’t still feel the pain. Because he could. It just wasn’t as bad. Max had dialed it back where Sean’s nipples were concerned and amped things up down below. Slow, steady strokes along Sean’s length, driving him fucking wild.

Pressure started to build. Heat curled faster in Sean’s nuts. Oh, shit. Oh, fuck. He was going to frickin’ come. Too much erotic teasing from this crazy-hot man. It’d gotten Sean primed way too fast.

His pants came faster. His abs started to twitch. His feet and hands shuffled and fisted.

Max eased back slightly and watched Sean’s face, his eyes smoldering hotter than ever. Sean tried to hold his gaze, but his lids kept shutting.

Shit, so close. Max was going to see him come.

But then the guy growled and stepped away, severing all contact at once.

“Nugh!” Sean protested. He shook his head, too.

Don’t go. Come back. Goddam it. What the fuck.

Max chuckled faintly. Dragged a hand down his face. Then gripped his own slender hips. “That’s it, Sean. Your taste. What we agreed on, remember? Just a small little glimpse of what I do.” He freed Sean’s shirt from his mouth and pulled it down.

“Please,” Sean panted. God, his mouth was dry. “Please don’t stop. Just a little more.”

Max shook his head and grinned. “So tenacious. You’re fun. But unfortunately, you couldn’t handle more.”

“The fuck I couldn’t. That was amazing. I loved it.”

Max regarded him curiously, then shook his head again. “You might not feel the same way in ten minutes.” He crouched by Sean’s feet and quickly released them. “Right now you’re high on a surge of endorphins.” He stood back up and freed Sean’s hands just as deftly. “Everything’s happy-happy. But that’s temporary. Once you’ve leveled out, you might see things differently. This might not be nearly as appealing.”

“Who cares. That’s then, and this is now.”

Max met Sean’s eyes. “I care. You’re young, Sean, and I don’t play that way. If you really want more, book a session.”

A session. Shit. Now that’d be insane. But not something Sean would kick off the table. He rubbed his wrists and playfully shrugged. “Okay. Fine. Where do I sign?”

A flicker of amusement lit Max’s eyes. “So quick to dive head first into the deep, dark shark tank.” He crossed his arms yet again and smirked. “If you were my sub, Sean, I’d make you quit smoking.”

Sean stilled. “For real?”

“Fuck yes, for real. That shit’s disgusting.”

Sean pursed his lips. Goddamn it. That sucked. He lifted his chin. “Not a problem.” Screw it. He could always change his mind. Back out if he wanted. Wasn’t signing anything in blood.

Max lifted a brow. “You’d have to obey me. Every single word that I said.”

Ah, God. Sean fought like hell not to frown. Then fought not to narrow his eyes. Max was trying to scare him. Trying to run him off. Clearly didn’t think Sean had it in him. Although, in fairness, even Sean didn’t know if he did.

He pocketed his hands and donned his best smile. “Whatever. That’s fine. I’ve always liked a challenge.”

Max stared at him, scratched his cheek, then finally conceded. “Okay.” He pulled his wallet from his back jeans pocket, slid a business card free and handed it over. “Go to my website. Read everything. Look around.” His wry smirk returned. “But be forewarned: I’m a kinky motherfucker. And not cheap.”