As if reading his mind, Max restarted convo. “Would you like to know what it means to be a sub?”

Actually, yeah. Sean really kind of would. He drew in a small lungful and nodded.

Max tilted his head and watched his fingers wander. “It begins with a mindset. Of obedience. And need. A longing to please. To be wanted. But above all…” He slid his hands up Sean’s sides. Sean shivered out a breath. He was ticklish there. “… a burning desire to be dominated.”

Dominated. Sean wondered what exactly that entailed.

“So they relinquish all control, Sean. Completely. To their Dom.” Max grazed his fingernails back down Sean’s sides. “Allow him to dictate their every move.”

Sean jerked. “Ungh, fugh!” He laughed around his shirt. Then he almost shook his head without thinking.

Max paused. Lifted a brow. Brought his hands right back up. “A sub always takes what his Dominant gives him. Takes it and is always grateful.” Again, he dragged his nails down Sean’s ribs.

“Ahng!” Sean squirmed. Pinched his brows. Eyed Max warily.

Max chuckled and gripped Sean’s hips instead. “Do you know why a sub endures what he does? What makes all that’s done to him worth it?”

Sean’s heart frickin’ jackhammered. He shook his head no.

Max cupped Sean’s crotch lightly. Curled his fingers around Sean’s boner. Sean froze. Ah, shit. Cat’s out of the bag now. Max smirked as if saying, Like I didn’t already know, and gave Sean’s fly a slow stroke. “Because they know they’ll be rewarded. Good behavior always is.” Another small caress. “Do you see?”

Hell yes, he did. Kind of like a game. One they were sort of already playing. Sean nodded yes.

Please keep stroking my dick.

Max removed his hand.

Goddamn it.

Sean frowned.

Max grinned. “Would you like another taste?”

Sean nodded. God, yes. His dick kicked anxiously. No question, he really fucking hated being tickled, but the prize was definitely worth it.

“Alright. Here’s another.” Max palmed Sean’s abs, splayed his fingers wide, then dragged them to Sean’s chest. Again, he thumbed Sean’s sensitive nipples, this time till he had them nice and hard.

Sean tamped down a moan. Fidgeted in his binds. Damn, that felt really good, too. Until, that is, Max gave them a tug. A hard one, and without any warning.

Sean yelped. Max chuckled. Then did it again. Sean winced and tried to pull his chest away. But of course, he couldn’t really move very far. And his attempts just seemed to egg Max on. Because this time, when he tugged, he also twisted. Not a ton, but Sean definitely felt it.

Sean muffled a curse. Fisted his hands.

Max stopped with a smile and palmed Sean’s bulge. “Nice, Sean,” he murmured. Then he started to stroke. “You look so damn sweet when you squirm.”

Fuuuuck. Sean’s blood pumped hotter in his veins, all thoughts of his nipples swiftly vanishing. So good. So good. Max’s hand felt so good. All rubbing up and down his cock. Sean moaned against his shirt. Max’s teasing, holy shit. It was making him ridiculously horny. But so were the guy’s words. And that gleam in his eyes. Sean was somehow bringing Max pleasure also. His chest welled up with potent satisfaction. And a burning need to please Max even more.

His hips started to rock.

Max stopped again. Returned his hands to Sean’s pecs. “Again?” he rumbled, holding Sean’s eyes.

Sean held his breath, but knew his answer, even though his mind had started reeling. How could he be on board with this? So bizarre. Max was hurting him. Not a lot, but still. The draw? Max was quick to reward. And holy fuck, Sean loved his rewards. Max was right. It was all so incredibly worth it. The most tantalizing game he’d ever played.

He nodded his head. Fuck yeah, he wanted more.

Max smiled again. “You’re liking our exchange.”

Sean thrummed. God, that smile. He was getting to see it a lot. Max had smiled more down in his basement than during all of their other sessions combined. The shit was unprecedented, but Sean wasn’t complaining. This side of Max was making the moment that much hotter.

Max resumed with Sean’s nipples, thumbing their peaks. Sean tensed in anticipation. Braced for what came next. All while his cock hummed in his pants. But instead of twisting and tugging Sean’s nipples, Max merely rolled them sensually between his fingers. Ribbons of pleasure coursed down Sean’s torso. Then more sank even further to his groin.

Sean moaned around his wad of shirt. Pressed his head against the cross and closed his eyes.

Pressing his mouth back to Sean’s ear, Max leaned in close. “You’re making me hard, Sean.” He rolled Sean’s nips faster. More licks straight to Sean’s junk.

Oh, fuck. Sean’s head spun. Max’s words. What he said. And those fingers. And that breath against Sean’s neck. Jesus. He’d never been toyed with like this. Teetering on the precipice, knowing pain was coming, yet feeling only the absolute opposite. The most erotic little mind fuck. And Sean freaking loved it.