Max cast him one last shuttered look, then made his way over to his desk. Sean stared at his back, only glancing away when Max finally turned around to have a seat. Time to strike a pose. Or re-strike one, as it were.

Resuming position, Sean looked to the ceiling, closed his eyes, and settled in for the long haul. No more thinking about the sculpting instructor. There’d be much safer times to do that later.

* * * * *

Later, as in at work.

As in, Vanilla Black, where he could muse on Hot For Teacher in peace. Where nobody’s attention was focused on him. Where he could daydream, and pop boners, and still be good.

Sean leaned his back against the bar counter behind him, keeping tabs on the Seattle-style coffee house. He loved how its dining room, despite its spacious size, felt so homey and cozy. Low-lit rafter ceilings. Comfy sofa niches. Small high-top tables along the perimeter. Walls of warm wood. Eclectic décor. Complete with a little stage tucked up front. The shop hosted everything from poem readings to local bands and was a place Sean spent most of his time. Outside of school, that is, because it was his main source of income when he exhausted all his funds from the parents. His modeling and photography gigs were definitely a nice supplement, but nowhere consistent enough to depend on. Tips from waiting tables held that secure spot, although he probably wasn’t going to make anything tonight. The place was only partially full. But it was Monday, so no big surprise.

He scanned the vicinity, keeping an eye on his customers. All looked content, happily sipping their jo while watching the night’s hired musician. Nope, not much turnover action going on. Which also was no big surprise. People liked it there and hung out for hours. Too bad most tipped on their tab’s dollar amount as opposed to how long they’d been waited on. But whatever. Sean was used it. Signed up for it willingly. Besides, he hadn’t planned to make shit this shift anyway. The real money was made from Wednesday night on.


When Sean modeled for Max’s class again.

He’d be returning on Friday, too. Possibly even Monday. Max had said he didn’t see the sculptures taking more than three or four sessions. Which equated to at least one hundred and eighty minutes of nakedness amidst that man’s roaming, scorching-hot gaze.

Sean shivered as other servers meandered by, half excited, half anxious as hell. He still had absolutely no idea how he was going to keep collected. Max made his imagination run way too hot. Shit, just envisioning him merely looking at Sean’s cock was enough to give him a boner. And that wasn’t anything over the top. Wait until Sean pictured Max touching the thing. Licking it. Sucking on its crown. Because Sean would. He knew he would. Blowjobs were one of his favorite past times. The guitarist on stage over there in the corner could give personal testimony to that.

Sean eyed Ledger indifferently as the guy worked his guitar, playing the last song in his first set. He did three sets total. Sean knew his routine. Ledger played there all the time. His forte: acoustic covers to alternative rock bands. Eight songs per set, with a twenty-minute break between each. Which is when he typically tracked Sean down to shamelessly proposition him for a quickie. A quickie, meaning anything from a smoke break to a blowjob, more often than not being the blowjob. And honestly, why wouldn’t it be? Sean was always the recipient, and Ledger gave really great head. Worked just as hard down on his knees as he did on that stage. Worshipping Sean’s cock like a junkie on ecstasy. Doing that really cool thing with his tongue piercing…

Ledger strummed the final chords to Twenty One Pilot’s “Message Man,” and smoothly brought the song to a close. Sean watched him set his instrument carefully back on its stand, then listened to him promise the patrons he’d be back. In twenty, Sean tacked on inside his brain. After he sucks my dick.

Because Sean was horny. Sue him. He was young. Young with a rocking libido. Still in his sexual prime. And it wasn’t like he had a boyfriend to sate his needs. Plenty had shown interest, promising to give Sean the world, but they just didn’t entice him that way. Sure, they were great to have a bit of fun with, but definitely not anything to hang around for afterward.

One of his fellow employees, a pretty brunette, sashayed over to grab her orders from the bar. “Hey there, Sean.” She flashed a flirty smile. “Looking handsome as ever. Meow.”

Sean chuckled and graced her with an amicable grin. “Why thank you, Avery. So generous with the compliments.”

“Only for you.” She loaded up her tray, then shot him a wink and headed back out.