And there it pretty much was in a nutshell. Why Sean hadn’t had a boyfriend in ages. They were all just too fawny. Too piney. Too available.

Sean was good looking. Maybe even very much so. With a disposition that apparently drew others in. He knew these things. All his life, people had confirmed it. Told him how lovely he was. And yeah, Sean knew that made him sound conceited, but that truly was the way others treated him. Which had proved a nice blessing, but also a curse. For him, but definitely for his pursuers. Because now those compliments did nothing but turn him off. Deflate any interest he might have had. Just big neon signs flashing, Nope. No Challenge. And Sean absolutely needed a challenge. From someone he looked up to. Respected. Admired. Someone that would make him work for their praise. He’d yet to find that. Had only experienced it once. When he was younger. With an older man named Rick.

The dark-haired musician stepped off the small stage and immediately looked across the room at Sean. His dark eyes glinted heatedly. Sean shook his head and grinned. No big surprise what Ledger was coming for. He came for it nearly every gig. Sean only gave it up half of the time, though, because he still appreciated the concept of hard-to-get. Even if nobody else did. Tonight, however, would not be one of those nights. Ever since that hour of modeling with Max, Sean had been hornier than fuck.

Sean made some quick stops at his tables as Ledger approached. Might as well make sure all his customers were good to go, because in a minute he’d be completely indisposed. Compliments of Ledger and his mighty-fine mouth.

Sean returned to the bar to find Ledger waiting for him, leaning against the counter with his inked arms crossed and a sexy little smirk on his face. Sean looked him over, appreciating the view. Ledger; the hot little rock god. Not that he was small, but he was truly gorgeous. The spitting image of Will Turner from Pirates of the Caribbean, minus the pirate garb and accent. Tall, hot body. Shoulder-length chestnut hair. Trendy sideburns, sleekly trimmed, that kept on going to trace the line of his jaw. He even had that bit of scruff on his chin. And a sexy little spike beneath his lip. He worked a great smile, too. Was ridiculously charming, with the darkest set of fuck-me eyes Sean had ever seen. Something, as it were, they’d only done once, with Ledger letting Sean top him and everything.

But Sean hadn’t been interested in a repeat with the guy. Not that Ledger hadn’t offered, because he offered all the time. But just like the others, after round one, Sean quickly realized Ledger didn’t have that thing. That draw, that allure, that made Sean want more. That made him want to keep coming back. Probably because Ledger all but served himself on a silver platter. Aka no fucking challenge. Aka no fucking seconds.

Blowjobs, however, were a whole different story. Sean played indefinitely with the guy for some of those.

Ledger smiled. “What’s up, beautiful?”

Sean walked behind the bar. Dropped off a couple of empty mugs. “Not much, music man. Sounding good out there. Loved that last song. Great rendition.”

Ledger’s sexy grin curved higher. “I do aim to please.”

Sean laughed. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

“Okay.” He heatedly raked Sean’s upper body. “How about, you’re making me hungry.”

Sean smirked. “Nope. Knew that, too. Want a menu?”

“No,” Ledger laughed. “I want you. In my car.”

“Hmm. Yeah, see? Knew that one also.”

Ledger grinned. “Come on. Let’s go have a smoke.”

Which translated to, “Let’s mess around.”

Sean’s dick stirred in his pants. He should. He really should. “Sure. Why not. I’m due for a break anyway.” He turned to the barista manning the coffee machines. “Hey, Mary. Do me a favor and keep an eye on my tables? Gonna go have a smoke real quick.”

He flashed a dashing smile. She matched it with a teasing one.

“Sure, hon. No problem. Just leave a twenty on the bar.”

Sean laughed and snagged his cigarettes from their spot beneath the counter, then came back around and led the way. Immediately, he could feel Ledger’s eyes on his ass, lingering inconspicuously as they walked. Sean grinned. Musicians. Gotta fucking love ‘em.

But as they wound their way through the seating clusters headed for the front door, a strange sensation stirred in Sean’s gut. He frowned, then noticed a guy up ahead, standing beside a plant, fiddling with his phone. He was attractive, sure, but what snagged Sean’s attention was the color of his snug-fitting tee. Dark emerald green. Sean immediately thought of Max. Max and his big intense eyes. Sean’s heart sped up. His next breath was shallow. He forced himself to quickly look away.