“Did you forget what I told you? Friday after class?”

“No, Sir. I’m sorry. I’m not used to—”

“I don’t care.”

Sean didn’t respond. Stayed utterly silent.

Max frowned. “You disappoint me.”

Sean visibly wilted.

Which shouldn’t have moved Max as much as it did. That was a typical sub reaction in the face of their Dom’s discontent. But for some strange reason, Sean’s dejection hit Max hard. Like some tangible entity between them. His heart sped up, overcome with the need to reassure. To let Sean know he’d already forgiven him. Because he had. The second Sean’s voice turned remorseful.

Cupping Sean’s cheek, Max murmured, “I forgive you.”

“Thank you, Sir.” Sean nuzzled his palm.

Max smiled down at him, surprised by the feeling Sean’s absent gesture elicited. Because it showed that, public submission issues aside, Sean had no problem openly showing affection for another man. Or more specifically, for Max. It staggered him, how good it felt. To be on the receiving end of such unashamed devotion. His heart clenched. Kevin never would’ve given him that. And since Max didn’t date, nor interact with subs outside his playroom, he never engaged in this sort of exchange. This public display of intimacy, with no concern whatsoever of who saw. It was an amazing feeling. God, too amazing…

Across the room, Jonah cursed incredulously, snapping Max swiftly from his thoughts.

Max met his eyes. Smirked. Then patted Sean’s cheek. “Get up. I’m hungry. Time to go.”


Well, that could’ve gone better.

Arms crossed and frowning in the passenger seat of Max’s car, Sean struggled to shake the funk from his gut. He felt so off-kilter after Max’s display in his apartment. Couldn’t decide if he should be pissed or contrite.

Either way, he was definitely embarrassed. Embarrassed that he’d fucked up. So badly. Such an idiot! Of course that shit would’ve set Max off. But also embarrassed because Jonah had witnessed it. Witnessed Sean yielding like a dog. Not that Sean saw it that way, because he didn’t. At all. But he was sure that’s how it looked to his friend. Because, fuck, the expression on Jonah’s face had said it all. The guy had just been blindsided by a side of Sean he didn’t even know existed. Hell, up until recently, Sean hadn’t known it existed either. But clearly Jonah had been shocked. And, ironically, disappointed like Max.

But he’d also been blatantly disgusted. Sean had seen it in his eyes. Written all over his face. While Sean had been down giving his Dom due respect, he’d at the same time been losing it from Jonah. His friend would never look at him the same. Sure, Sean would explain shit the next time he saw Jonah, but even then, how could the guy truly understand? Grasp the strange dynamic Sean had with Max. Chances were, he couldn’t. Few probably could. Because what Sean had with Max was just, well, too unusual. Too hard to wrap one’s head around. Unless they experienced it for themselves. Which Jonah never would. He was way too innocent. And truthfully, too vanilla.

Sean sighed and stared out the windshield. Tugged off his beanie and dragged a hand through his hair. Nope. Still couldn’t shake the funk. Which was starting to fucking annoy him. He hated when shit destroyed his calm. He needed a fucking cigarette.

Fighting the urge to scowl, he turned and looked at Max. “Did you really have to do that?”


“Why? I don’t understand.”

“Because you’re clearly still learning. Still need to be taught.”

Sean pursed his lips. Stared at Max harder. Max, however, just stared out the windshield.

“Was what I did really that bad? To warrant humiliating me in front of my friend?”

Now that got Max’s eyes lashing quickly his way. Blazing like emerald fire, they pinned Sean with contempt. “Do I embarrass you, Sean? Are you ashamed of our relationship?”

Sean all but cringed. Should have worded that differently. “No. No, of course not. That’s not what I meant.”

Max glared back out the windshield. “That’s not what you meant, what.”

Sean rubbed his brow. Fuck. “That’s not what I meant, Sir.”

“Then say what you mean, Sean. I’m not a fucking mind reader.”

Sean exhaled and tried to organize his thoughts. “I guess I just feel like you came down on me hard. And I don’t really understand why.”

Max didn’t answer. At least not right away. Like he, too, was thinking carefully before he spoke. “I did come down hard on you,” he finally muttered. “But I needed to remind you, Sean. Hammer it home that you and I aren’t fucking friends.”

“Well we aren’t fucking yet, but hopefully soon…”

Max cut Sean a look.

Sean grinned with a shrug.

Max looked to the ceiling and shook his head. “I’m your Dom, Sean,” he sighed. “You’re my sub. That’s it. Honestly, we shouldn’t even be in this car together.”

“What?” Sean scoffed. “Why? What’s the big deal?”

“I just don’t think it’s wise. To mingle personal life with business. Which is why I’ve always subscribed to the policy of never hanging out with clients outside of work. What I did with you on Friday was irresponsible. Complacent. And we both saw how well that turned out. And this picking-you-up-from-your-fucking-home shit?” He shook his head. “Stupid. Just asking for more trouble.”