Sean stared at him for a second, then snorted out a laugh. “Wow, Sir. That’s just… That’s just… Wow.” Someone needed to seriously lighten up.

Max shot him a glare. “Don’t patronize me, Sean. I operate the way I do for a reason. It works for me. It’s in place for me. And if that’s too “just wow” for your fucking taste then don’t let the door hit you in the ass.”

Sean’s smile dropped fast. “Okay. Geez. I get it. I didn’t mean to—”

“I. Don’t. Care. What you meant.”

Daaaaamn. Looked like grumpy guy forgot to take his chill pill.

Exhaling, Sean gazed out the window… and chuckled. “Well that chat was chipper. What to talk about next.”

Max’s lips curved into a small, dark grin. “The punishment your sassy mouth just earned you.”

* * * * *

By the time they arrived, it was already five-thirty. Fortunately, despite the growing evidence that Max was sporting low blood sugar, Sean managed to keep the atmosphere light. After their initial conversation, that is. Their following discussion had been more of a briefing; Max going over Sean’s strict agenda for his time at the house before their session. Evidently, he was going to help Max make dinner, then after they ate, “wait quietly” while Max took care of paperwork. Then Max was going to take him up to his room where, even though Sean had already showered, he’d do so again in Max’s bathroom. Odd, but whatever. Guess Max took “freshly showered” pretty seriously. Which wouldn’t really surprise Sean. Max was a particular kind of guy.

They entered through the garage, which deposited them in the kitchen.

Max dropped his keys on a small desk by the doorway. “You okay with chicken?”

Sean nodded. “Yup.”

“Good. Come wash your hands. We don’t have tons of time.”

Sean joined him at the sink. “When’s your first appointment?”

“Seven thirty.” Max squirted some soap in Sean’s palm, then moved on to suds up his own.

An unpleasant feeling welled in Sean’s gut. He didn’t like the thought of Max with other men. And if memory served right, Max had two coming tonight. The guys Sean saw kissing outside Max’s house the first time he’d gone there to model. What did Max have planned for them? To dom them in some kinky three-way? Ah, God. What if he fucked them before his session with Sean? The prospect made Sean suddenly feel sick.

Fighting back a frown, he rinsed his hands, then spoke up before he could stop himself. “Will you come with them tonight also? Before you do with me?”

Max turned off the faucet, dried his hands and looked at Sean. “What I do with my other clients is none of your business.”

“Oh. True. Right.” Sean nodded sheepishly. “Of course it’s not. No idea what I was thinking.” Shit. How stupid and immature could he be? Embarrassed, Sean grabbed the towel and quickly dried off, too. But Max’s eyes stayed on his face. Sean could feel it. Dare he look up? He had to be blushing.

Max chuckled softly and ruffled Sean’s head. “No, caitín. I won’t. I’ll be saving my load for you.”

Sean’s gaze shot up fast. “Really?” He beamed.

Max grinned and shook his head. “So greedy.”

Sean laughed. No point in denying the obvious, because Max was right. Sean didn’t want to share him. Wanted Max—and Max’s climax—all to himself. Fuck, he couldn’t wait to see Max lose it. And now, knowing Max wasn’t going to “go there” with those men, Sean suddenly felt a hell of a lot better.

Max strode to the fridge. “Take these, Sean,” he ordered, pulling out a boatload of vegetables. Sean hustled over and quickly took them, impressed with the large variety. Onions, snow peas, bell peppers, zucchini… “Wash ‘em good, then slice ‘em up. Cutting board and knives are to your left.”

“Uh. Okay.”

Sean eyed his armful, pleasantly amused by the scenario. He never cooked at home. Didn’t really know how. And honestly, neither did Jonah. So they kind of just ate whatever. Frozen dinners. Cereal. Stuff from the student cafeteria. Although, in his defense, he did eat lots of fruit. Because it was healthy... And required zero cooking.

He dumped his charge by the sink and got to work, while down the way, Max poured olive oil in a pan. Twenty minutes later, Sean’s veggies were sautéed, three breasts were broiled to perfection, and a pot of couscous was waiting on the stove. The kitchen smelled heavenly. Sean’s empty stomach rumbled.

“Set the table for two, Sean. I’ll take care of the plates.”

Sean opened the silverware drawer Max pointed him toward, then located some glasses and napkins. But as Max loaded up their dishes with couscous and veggies, Scott appeared in the doorway looking famished.

“Damn, Max. What’re you making? Smells incredible.”

“Chicken. Vegetables. Couscous. Have a seat.”

Scott licked his chops and turned toward the table, but paused when he finally noticed Sean. “Oh. Hey, Sean. Good to see you. How’ve you been?”