Thanks to Sean. That little imp.

Although, in fairness, Max never should have taken things so far. He could have stopped sooner. Hadn’t needed to play so erotically. But for some reason, he hadn’t been able to help it. Having pretty little Sean all trussed up and helpless? That shit had been too fucking sweet to resist and got Max just as turned on as Sean.

Max growled and tried to resituate his boner, willing the fucker to go down. Not that he thought it actually would. Another reason he’d come to The Den. To kill two birds with one stone. Get Sean’s image out of his head by replacing it with someone else. Then, if things went well, that someone else would help Max take care of his hard-on.

Jessie sauntered over a second later with Max’s usual.

“Out on a Tuesday?” the leather bear rumbled, setting down a long neck and shot of whiskey.

Max scowled up him. “Something wrong with Tuesdays?”

The dark-haired barkeep crossed his arms. “Apparently there is with this one. What’s got you so shitty?”

Max looked away. Took a swig of his beer. “My snake died.”

“You don’t have a snake.”

“Oh, right. My turtle.”

Jessie laughed, the sound like rolling thunder. “Whatever, you grumpy hag. Let me know if you need anything else.” Because not only did he know that Max didn’t have pets, but that when he got all ornery like this, it was better to just take a hike than stick around and try to help. Smart guy, that Jessie. Max liked him a lot. Just wasn’t in the mood to chat.

“Will do,” he muttered as the guy strode away. Then he downed his shot of whiskey and peered around. The place was busy, but not like the weekends, when Max typically chose to stop in.

Again, he squeezed his rock-hard reminder of why he was there. Sean and his tight little perfect body had gotten him way too worked up. Had Max known that he’d end up strapping Sean to his cross, he never would have taken the kid down there. Or maybe he would have. Shit, he didn’t know.

Max scrubbed his face. In truth, Sean had this way about him, this sexy little charm, this alluring disposition, that made refusing the guy way too hard. Which Max loved and hated in equal parts. Because he never was in total control around the guy. At least not inside his head. And yet, that in itself was invigorating as hell. A formidable challenge. A worthy opponent. Making Max’s visceral need to concur, to dominate, that much greater.

But Sean was just a component to Max’s dilemma. Not the fundamental issue. Because clearly Max could dominate him. And already had. Less than an hour ago, when he’d strapped Sean to his cross. He’d had the guy humming like a tuning fork in less than a minute. God, the way he looked… The sounds he’d made…

Max shook away the vision. Squeezed his eyes closed for a second.

No, it was Max’s own susceptibilities that were the underlying problem. The strange vulnerability he had to Sean that he didn’t have with anyone else.

Max shook his head and took another swig. Not that any of this shit really was relevant when he only had one more meeting with the kid. One where nothing at all could possibly happen. No clothes were coming off. There’d be no trips to the basement. Just Sean taking a couple dozen innocent pictures. Then he’d be out of Max’s hair for good.

Unless Sean decided to book an appointment.

Max chuckled darkly. Waved Jessie down for another shot. No way Sean would. Not after checking out Max’s site. Max could see it now. Wide eyes. Then a grimace. Then all the blood draining from Sean’s face. The kid was just too soft around the edges. Too bright for such a dark, gritty world.

Not that he wasn’t a courageous little fucker. That fire in his eyes was undeniable. Made Max respect him like a Dom respects his sub. But letting Max pinch his nipples and rub him off was nothing compared to the average session. Not even the tip of the iceberg. And a sub’s strength and mindset came from their fundamental makeup. Their inner coding. Their DNA. And as much as Sean clearly loved the way Max worked him, Max wasn’t sure he had what it took.

Nope. That Sean would want to pursue things further was nothing but wishful thinking. Because Max would like the challenge, a chance to conquer his weakness, and Sean’s company was definitely enjoyable.

Too enjoyable, in fact. Hence Max’s annoying fucking boner.

He glowered at the thing, resentment still lingering. That Sean even had such an effect. Sure, other guys could give Max a hard-on. But none could make it stick around like this. Not after they’d long since hit the road. Sean’s influence over Max’s dick was fucking ridiculous, and he refused to acknowledge Sean’s influence on his head. Not any more than he already had, at least.