Max pursed his lips. Looked back down at his crotch. Yeah, fuck this shit. He was so fucking done. As long as he had a frickin’ boner he’d be thinking about the guy responsible. Sure, he could take care of business himself, but he’d undoubtedly think of Sean while he did it. And no way did he want that kid connected at all with him busting a fucking nut. That was just asking for more trouble. No, Max needed another guy in his face when he put his boner to rest. Someone he wouldn’t keep thinking about later. Which was anyone other than Sean.

Max slid his gaze to a particular booth where two particular guys were hanging out. He’d seen them when he first arrived but had purposely flown under their radar. Because the minute they saw him, they’d be all up in his lap, and Max had needed a few minutes to decompress. He still wasn’t anywhere near relaxed, but screw it, it’d have to do.

Intentionally bypassing the blond for the brunette, Max locked his eyes on the sub named Remi. Both guys were mid-twenties, and both had longish hair, but where Nova wore his loose around his shoulders, Remi pulled his top half into a ponytail. A ponytail, as it were, that Max fucking loved. More than once, he’d gripped that thing as he’d slammed Remi good from behind.

Before long, little Remi and his wicked sixth-sense had his dark gaze sliding Max’s way. Max just stared at him. Didn’t smile. Didn’t wave. Just stared. And that was all Remi needed. A bright, boyish smile spread across his face. Then he nudged Nova next to him and gestured to Max with his chin. Nova followed Remi’s gaze, both facing Max’s direction, until he too spotted Max watching them. Nova’s posture shifted instantly. It was almost comical. Bored and oblivious to perky and hopeful in the span of one freaking second. And then they were on the move, coming to say hi. Which most of the time equated to an invite. To play, or to fuck, or to play while they fucked. Whatever a Dom wanted, really.

“Hello, Sir.” Remi smiled when they finally arrived.

But Nova just greeted him with his eyes. Eyes that were big and gray and hungry. His crush on Max had never been a secret. Not since they met several years ago. Max had been part of an event in the Dungeon. Nova had been part of it, too. The way the story went, Max had stolen Nova’s heart after just one ten-minute scene. But Max didn’t buy that. They hadn’t even fucked. That came later. On a few different occasions. Maybe tonight would be another.

Max looked them both over. As always, they looked great. Tight jeans. Tight tees. Black bracelets on every wrist. And of course, they smelled amazing as well. A whisper of choice cologne and young, ready sex. Yet Max’s cock didn’t seem to notice any of it. Whatever. The fucker would perform when he had to. What it did until then, Max didn’t care.

“May we sit?” Remi asked. He was so well-mannered. Max loved that shit.

“You may.”

The two slid in across the table. Then both turned on their tried-and-true charm. Inviting eyes. Eager fidgeting. Little teasing glimpses of tongue. Tongues that were pierced and able. Max just watched them. Almost amused. Almost. If he wasn’t so cranky.

Nova spoke for the first time. “You look wonderful tonight, Sir. Is there anything we can do to please you?”

Normally the sound of Nova’s voice got Max going. So thick with the need for his cock. But tonight it did nothing. Which pissed Max off further. Because if he was going to do this, he had to be into it. At least a little. But the more he looked at the subs before him, the more apparent it became that he wasn’t. At all. Sigh. He was going to need inspiration.

He looked at Nova. “As a matter of fact, there is. And I’d like for both of you to be involved.”

Their faces lit up. They swapped looks. Sat up straighter. Anticipation blazing in their eyes.

“Anything.” Remi smiled. “We’re yours to take pleasure in.”

“Thank you, Remi.” Max brought his longneck to his lips. “I want you to make out. Right here.”

“And then?” Nova asked.

Max took a swig and shrugged. “And then, if you’re able to turn me on, I’ll take you both back for a ride.” Aka a scene in the Dungeon, where he’d bury himself in them both.

“Fuuuuck,” Nova purred, gaze smoldering at the prospect.

Remi opened his mouth to say something, too, but Nova was all over him before he could.

Max grinned, amused by Remi’s surprised expression, and eased back to enjoy the show. Jessie stopped over and dropped off a shot, lifted his brow at Remi and Nova, then looked at Max.