Not that Sean’s age bothered Max all that much, but he hadn’t meant to say that last bit out loud, and he didn’t want to encourage the kid. Because what Max liked in partners was dark and depraved. Shit that would send Sean boy running.

Sean lifted his chin. “Whatever. I’m not that young.”

But Max wasn’t interested in a debate. Refocusing on his work, he redirected again. “So, why’d you stop?”


“Doing gymnastics.”

“Oh.” Sean’s voice softened. “I hadn’t planned to. Was gunning for the Olympics and everything.”

“Damn. You were good. What the hell happened?”

“A car accident senior year. And a ruptured ACL.”

Max winced. “Ouch. That’s one messed-up knee.”

Sean sighed. “Yeah, it was. But whatever. Life goes on.”

“So that was it then? No more after that?”

“Nope. No more. It was time to go to college.”

Max couldn’t help feeling bad for the kid. Such a huge dream wrenched from his grip. All that hard work and dedication flushed down the toilet. He frowned as he shaved off a bunch of excess clay, trimming things closer to size.

“Damn, Sean. That sucks. I’m sorry to hear that.”

Sean shrugged. “It’s okay. The path I’m on now makes me happy.”

Max almost smiled. He could tell that Sean meant it. Although, why that made Max happy, too, he didn’t know. He barely fucking knew the guy. Nevertheless, he couldn’t help wondering what Sean’s new purpose was now.

“And what path is that?”

“My happy trail. Wanna see it?”

Max shook his head and smirked.

Sean laughed. “Photography. Getting my degree this year. Then I’m off to Australia for a month.”

Max quirked an eyebrow as he skimmed off more clay. “Australia? Damn.”

“Yeah, man.” Sean beamed. “Graduation present. Can’t wait.”

“I bet. Sounds like the parents are proud.”

Sean’s shiny vibe ebbed. “Yeah. I guess.”

Max glanced up. Sore subject? He changed course again. “So, what do you do in your free time, Sean? You know, when you’re not in camera class.”

Sean’s lips twitched. “I work. At Vanilla Black.”

“The coffee house?”

“Yeah. I freelance a little bit also.”

“Gigs like this.” Max smoothed the shaved ridges.

“Yeah, but mostly just photography stuff.”

Max had to admit, he was kind of impressed. The kid had ambition. Wasn’t lazy.

“Very nice, Sean. You must be good.”

Sean visibly preened. “I’m not too bad. I could do stuff for you sometime, too.”

Max looked up.

Sean grinned. “Free of charge.”

Max cocked his head, curious. “Like what.”

“I dunno.” Sean shrugged. “Maybe stuff for your website. Or portfolio. Or a shoot for that art show you’re doing.”

Damn. That’d actually be really cool. “Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.”

Max turned back to his task, moving on to add feet. Sean watched him quietly. Let him work. For a couple minutes at least, before he was back to talking. Which, surprisingly, Max didn’t mind. Typically, he wasn’t a huge conversationalist, but Sean somehow made it enjoyable. He amused Max. Was frisky, but not over the top. Intrigued him in a way he couldn’t explain. And then there was his hot little voice. A young man’s timbre. No too deep. So crazy smooth, Max could probably fall asleep to him reading the freaking phone book.

“So this house of yours,” Sean started again. “Like I said before, it’s sweet. Not to mention, in a really nice neighborhood. You honestly telling me a college instructor salary is enough to pay the bills?”

Max smirked and shook his head. “I don’t recall telling you anything, but I’ve got a roommate to help with that, remember?”

Sean eyed him skeptically. Guess he knew personal trainers didn’t make huge paychecks, either.

Max scratched his chin. Gave a shrug. “I also have a night job.”

Sean’s gaze lit with intrigue. “A night job? Doing what?”

Max diverted his eyes. Looked at Sean’s body, then his sculpture. How were they suddenly on this subject? Not that his domming was anything confidential. He just hadn’t planned on telling Sean about it.

“Um… You know…” He kept his stare glued to his piece. “A little of this… A little of that. Nothing special.” Which wasn’t exactly true. He found it very fucking special.

“Seriously?” Sean was grinning. Max could hear it in his tone. “You’re not gonna tell me? It’s a secret?”

Max coughed in amusement. “No. Not at all.”

Sean stared at him. “Then why not just tell me?”

“’Cause you’re too young, kid.” Max finally looked up. “Trust me. It’s best you don’t know.” Another mistruth. Max was nineteen when he started. And Sean was four years older than that. But fuck it. The shit was shady. Sean didn’t need to go there. Hell, it might even freak him out.

Sean frowned, but left it alone. Which couldn’t have been easy. Max could see his gears churning in his eyes. He was dying to know, but also knew it wasn’t his business. A sign of real maturity. Max inwardly smiled. Maybe Sean wasn’t so young after all.

Feeling the urge to reward the guy, Max sauntered over to give him something nice. “I’m going to touch you again, Sean. You’ve moved out of position.” And just like that, Sean’s happy light was back.