Max’s disapproval was palpable. “Why, got a death wish? Or are you just fucking stupid.”

Sean’s happy little buzz went bye-bye fast. “I live in the moment.”

“So you’re saying you’re stupid.”

Sean stiffened. Wow. Hot and cold much? Well, too bad. He didn’t play that shit. “Geez, Max. If that’s your way of saying you care, you might wanna try another approach.”

Max stared at him. Sean stared at him back. He loved their little matches.

Finally, a tiny smile tugged at Max’s lips. “Just sit there and be good.”

Sean grinned. “And look pretty.”

“Yeah.” Max turned away. “That, too.”

* *

Max shook his head as he kicked on the radio, Imagine Dragon’s “Demons” quickly filling the space. Sean was a charmer. Knew his way around guys. Whether that was good or bad remained to be seen. The kid was fun, too, though. There was no doubt about that. And there was nothing wrong with enjoyable company. Max just had to make sure that Sean kept it in check. Knew at all times that Max wasn’t available. Because he had no doubt that, if given a bone, Sean would jump at the chance to get in Max’s pants. As Max would love to get into Sean’s. Which he absolutely could, had no doubt about that either. All it’d take was a few seductive gestures and Blondie would be putty in his hands.

Max glanced at his clay. Smirked a little. Guess Sean kind of would be regardless.

Bumping down the volume, because he typically listened to it loud, Max snagged his apron and tied the thing on. Time to do what he loved to do most. Make beautiful shit with his fingers.

He strode to his work station and started moving pieces aside, then eyed the two remaining mounds. The very first stage of what would soon be Sean’s legs. Already formed into a bent-at-the-knee position, he situated them atop a wooden turntable. One completely covered in plastic, to make for easy moving. Satisfied with placement, he grabbed a tool and got busy.

Max could see Sean turn to watch him in his peripheral vision, but supposed that was fine. It’d be a while until he got to the head. Sean could resume correct position then.

“Why’re you making those marks on the top?”

Max didn’t look up. Sean was too distracting. “I’m scoring the clay. Helps the sections bond better.”

“Ah. That’s cool.” Sean looked around. “Did you use models for all of these projects?”

“Nope.” Max picked up another section of clay. The largest piece, actually. The torso. He scored it, too, all along the bottom, then carefully set it on top of the legs.

“So this sculpture’s special,” Sean deduced with a smile.

Max could feel his happy energy. Made him want to smile, too. But he didn’t. Just concentrated on his task. “Yup.”

Sean watched him for a second, then got back to looking around. “I like them. Your sculptures. You’re really fucking good.”

“Thanks.” Max smoothed out the seams with his thumbs.

“I’m noticing you like doing guys.”

Max stilled and looked up. He knew what Sean meant, but his mind had him instantly in the gutter. “As a matter of fact, I do. More than anything else.”

Sean’s smile returned. As did a glint in his gaze. As if he’d meant that double entendre all along. “How often do you do them?”

Max’s eyelids lowered. “Whenever I’m in the mood.”

Sean exhaled. Scooted his knees a little closer together. Like he was starting to get a boner or something.

Max smirked and looked back down. He better redirect. Sean was going to get himself in trouble. Nodding, he grabbed up a different tool. “Yup. I also sketch ‘em. And paint ‘em sometimes as well. Just really fucking love a tight male body.”

Sean’s smile was back. “Yeah. Me, too.”

Max kept his eyes down. “Well, you’ve certainly got one.”

“Thank you. I try.”

Max glanced his way. “You must. Best I’ve seen in a long fucking time.”

This time, Sean’s happy air nearly knocked Max over. “Wow. What a compliment.”

“More of an observation. What do you do to stay so fit?”

Sean shrugged. “Just work out. But I used to be a gymnast.”

Max stilled yet again. Looked back up. “A gymnast?”

“Yep.” Sean smiled. “Since I was ten.”

Max couldn’t resist. The temptation was too strong. He roamed his gaze back over Sean’s body. No wonder he looked so ridiculously incredible. Max’s mouth got going before he could stop it. “Fuck, Sean. That’s hot. Bet you’re all kinds of limber.”

Sean blinked. Then grinned. “I actually am. Maybe sometime I’ll show you.”

Max’s dick stirred in his pants. He couldn’t stop the images. All the visuals bombarding his brain. Of Sean bent into erotically kinky positions as Max worked him into a frenzy. Helplessly bound. Vulnerably contorted. At the mercy of Max’s every deviant whim…

“I’d like that,” he murmured.

Sean’s brows rose. “You would?”

Hell fucking yes. “Of course. If you were older.”