Well, the first one under socially acceptable conditions, that is.

With a guy that wasn’t four times his age.

Sean shook away the thought and grabbed his smokes from the console, all the while peering up at Max’s place. In the heart of a typical suburban neighborhood, the three-story brick house sat atop a slight hill, decked with black shutters and white trim. Very well maintained. As was the landscaping. Lush green grass, pruned trees, clipped bushes. Max took pride in his place. That was obvious.

Sean smiled, expecting nothing less. From the get go, Max had seemed like that type. One who’d keep tight tabs on absolutely everything, every aspect of his life in rigid order. A control-freak? Maybe. Sean didn’t really care. Max could control-freak his ass to the moon and back, as long as he did it naked so Sean could watch. It wasn’t like Sean was going to be around long enough for it to bother him. Just a couple hours of modeling, plus one more to shoot some photos. Then his sexy Max would be his sexy memory. Guess Sean better enjoy the view while it lasted.

Climbing out of his reef blue, R Line Beetle convertible, Sean leaned against its door and lit up a cig. His nerves weren’t haywire, he was a confident guy, but a couple drags while he waited wouldn’t hurt. Besides, his muscles were kind of tense, so a little bit of relaxant might be good.

Max’s front door opened. Sean looked up at the house. Two guys emerged a second later. Sean stilled, eyeing them curiously as they descended the front steps, then made their way down the walk toward the driveway. Who were they and what were they doing there just minutes before Sean’s appointment? Sean pulled out his cell as he took another drag. Ten till nine. Max was cutting it close. And where was the hottie teacher anyway? Sean glanced back at the door. Those guys had closed it behind them. So Sean refocused on the pair instead.

Their hair was wet. They looked flushed. And kind of tired. But above all that, they exuded something else. In their eyes. In their smiles. In their easy gait. But Sean couldn’t put his finger on what it was. Looked like satisfaction in some pure, raw form. But a hundred times stronger.

How weird.

Sean watched them climb into their ride across the street, then watched them lean close… for a kiss. Sean stilled in mid-drag, his brows cranking high. Whoa. They were lovers. Their kiss heated fast. Sean blinked. Damn. Bigtime lovers.

He turned, not wanting to stare, and looked back at Max’s house, his curiosity meter through the roof. Why did a sculpting teacher have two wound-up, wet guys hanging out at his house this time of day? Sean supposed it could be for a ton of different reasons. And it was certainly none of his business. Just chalk it up as the first of what Sean predicted would be a myriad of mysteries that were Max.

Sean took his time with his cigarette. He still had a few minutes to kill. When finished, he dropped it to the ground by the curb and crushed it really good with his shoe. Then he picked the thing up and shoved it back in his pack and tossed the thing into his car. Littering in front of Max’s well-groomed pad might damper any first impressions left to make. Sean adjusted his beanie. Straightened his shirt. Leaned over and checked his teeth in the side-view mirror. Which was stupid since he brushed before he left. Although…. He reached back into his Beetle and snagged a lifesaver from his backpack. Spearmint, baby. All the way.

In went the tiny ring as he turned back around, just in time to catch Max staring from the doorway. Sean stilled, then smirked. Max had totally been checking out his ass, even though he’d already seen it tons of times before. Good to know he wasn’t bored of it yet.

And then Sean noticed that Max’s hair was wet, too. What the hell? What had the three of them been doing? Sean’s imagination ran wild, but he quickly beat it back. Nope. None of his business. Just let the wet-and-weird mystery go.

Ciao, baby.

Sean inhaled a nice big fortifying breath and smiled up at Max from his car. “I’m early,” he called.

“You are,” Max agreed. Then he gestured for Sean to get moving.

Sean shoved off his car and headed up, trying not to stare as he went. It was hard, though, because seriously, Max was exquisite. Sean didn’t want to look anywhere else. But he didn’t want to come on strong and make Max think that he was after something. Because he wasn’t. Not really. That wasn’t how he operated. For now, this was just an enticing little endeavor with some insanely delicious eye candy. Because, come on, there was tons of mouthwatering eye candy out there. Sean had fucked some. Others had sucked his dick. But that’s what they always remained, never becoming anything more. And Max could easily be the same.