Regardless, Sean forced himself to scan his surroundings, checking out all the bushes he’d already studied. Then he intently scrutinized Max’s windows as he neared the guy’s large, pristine stoop. Sleek black railings flanking impeccably white steps.

“Nice place.” He finally let his eyes rest back on Max.

Sigh. That felt good.

Max nodded once. “Thanks.”

Sean scaled the stoop confidently. Max stayed put in the doorway, arms crossed as he leaned against the jamb. Sean eyed said arms, because not only were they finally visible, but way bigger than Sean had originally imagined. Wow, had the wait been totally worth it. All that gloriously exposed skin. He could even see some tats peeking out from under the sleeves. Arm bands wrapping around the tops of each bicep. Looking tribal. And sexy. And edible. But how could they not against such firm, tan flesh?

Max’s bulging arms flexed, a blatant prompt to get Sean’s attention. Sean blinked and looked up, then pointed sheepishly at Max’s tats. “Nice, ah, ink. Was just, um, admiring it.”

“Mmhmm.” Max just watched him. Didn’t say anything else.

Okaaay. Sean donned his most charming smile. “You got any other works of art?”

Max tightened his crossed arms. “Yup.”

Guess he wasn’t sharing.

Sean frowned in dramatic disappointment.

A grin tugged at Max’s lips.

Sean’s own smile returned. He couldn’t help it. The slightest hint of pleasure on Max’s face made him inexplicably happy. But then he noticed something he hadn’t seen before. His gaze focused more intently on Max’s mouth. Holy shit. He had a piercing there, too. A tiny silver ring on Max’s left, accentuating his full lower lip. Funny, Sean had seen plenty of lip piercings before, but none had ever looked so appealing. Max must take it out when he teaches class. Maybe he figured that, with a brow stud and gages, adding another piercing was pushing his luck. Which Sean could understand. College demanded a certain level of decorum. At least where the teachers were concerned.

Of their own volition, Sean’s eyes slid curiously lower. To Max’s pecs where they strained against his charcoal tee. Did the guy have piercings on other parts, too? Sean fought not to lick his lips.

Max sighed and pushed off the doorjamb. “Yes, I’m pierced elsewhere.” He back-stepped into his foyer and gestured for Sean to follow. “Come on, Mr. Stares A Lot. We’ve got work to do.”

Sean laughed despite himself as he stepped through the door. Busted. Twice. Eh. Whatever. Max had to be used to that shit. And then he caught a whiff of the guy. Oh, yeah. Max smelled good. Like crazy good. Like fresh-from-the-shower incredible.

But before Max could lead them down the hallway straight ahead, another guy came into view from above. At the top of the stairwell. Dressed in workout clothes. He looked at the two of them, then smiled and headed down. Sean watched him descend, taken by his good looks. Because hot damn, he was fucking gorgeous. Tall, dark and handsome with a side of Good God. And holy fuck was he muscular. Even more so than Max, and Max was pretty impressive.

Max paused to give him an acknowledging chin-up. “Hey, bud. You got a client coming over?”

“Yup.” The guy slid his brown eyes Sean’s way.

Sean offered a smile.

“Oh…” Max scratched his cheek. “Scott, this is Sean. He’s gonna be modeling for my sculpture. Sean, this beast is my best friend and roommate.”

Scott shoved Max’s shoulder. “Hey, Sean. Nice to meet you.”

Max stumbled sideways. Sean grinned. “You, too.”

But then Scott glanced at his watch and frowned. “Shit. Running late. Gotta go get things prepped.” He turned and headed down the hall. “My torture subject’s gonna be here any minute.”

Sean’s eyebrows shot high. Max snickered quietly.

“Torture subject?” he asked. He had to. Couldn’t not. Because otherwise his curiosity would go crazy.

“Yeah.” Max turned and led them past the stairwell. “Scott’s a no-mercy personal trainer.”

“Ah. I see. Remind me never to hire him on.”

He followed Max down the same hallway Scott had taken.

Max eyed him over his shoulder. “Nothing wrong with a little pain.”

Sean blinked. Wait, huh? The look in Max’s eyes tripped him up as much as his words. What exactly did he mean by that? Maybe he was just messing around. Sean brushed it off as a kitchen came into view, up ahead at the end of the hall. But Max and Sean never got that far. Instead, they stopped at a door to their right. Sean immediately smelled the familiar scent of clay. He liked it. Made him think of Max’s class.

Max flashed a small smile, taking Sean by surprise. Not so much because he didn’t offer them often, but because the brief expression was utterly adorable. As if his pride and joy was on the other side of that door, and he was sort of kind of excited to show it off. Without looking excited, of course. Max seemed all about cool composure.