Blond boy’s lips parted. Then he visibly swallowed. “Yeah… Absolutely… I can totally do that.”

Max smirked, but before they could take a single step, commotion rose up in the foyer. Max turned to the noise and immediately stiffened. That rat bastard was at it again, pushing around the kid. A kid Max was starting to greatly suspect was the bigger dude’s much smaller boyfriend.

This time, however, said boyfriend didn’t cower. Instead, he tried shoving dick face away. “Fuck you, Phil. Just leave me alone.”

Apparently Phil didn’t want to, though. Hands gripping viciously at his boyfriend’s upper arms, Phil yanked the kid roughly against his chest. “You were trying to sneak out of here,” he snarled. “I saw you. Did I say you could fucking leave?”

The younger guy grimaced in obvious pain. “What do you care? You said you didn’t want me here.”

“I said you were being an idiot.”

“Yeah, well, in that case, maybe I don’t want to be here. Not when you’re being such an asshole.”

Phil squeezed his arms tighter. “Now you think I’m an asshole?” He chuckled darkly. “You’ve got no idea. Maybe I should fucking show you.” He looked to his friends who’d been standing by watching. “Stay here. We’ll be right back.”

Turning, he marched his lanky boyfriend up the staircase, presumably to one of the bedrooms.

Max grit his teeth. Why wasn’t anyone helping that kid? Or if nothing else, telling Phil to chill out?

Beside Max, jock boy tentatively gestured toward the door. “You ah… still wanna go for that walk?”

Max lifted a finger. The universal sign to wait. He had a really bad feeling and wasn’t going anywhere until he knew that teen wasn’t in danger. Max glanced to his friends. Luke was chatting away with whom Max presumed was Toni. Chaz and Roger were in some heated debate.

“Dudes!” Phil’s voice from the second floor. “Get your big dicks up here! Last one in, lock the door!”

Max glanced back just in time to watch Phil’s buddies grin wickedly and high-tail it up the stairs. Something fucked up was about to go down, with that wasted string bean most likely the recipient.

Not on Max’s watch. No fucking way. Especially when all these jackoffs standing around weren’t lifting a goddamn finger. Not that Max was some kind of saint. God knew he was pretty much the opposite. Hell, if that guy wasn’t so freaking young, Max would leave him undisturbed to learn his lesson; hang with dicks, get fucked by dicks. But Jesus, Phil’s boyfriend couldn’t win a one-on-one fight, let alone defend himself against four thugs.

Max looked at his newest little blowjob prospect. “Sorry. You’re gonna have to take that walk with someone else.” Jock boy frowned, but Max didn’t care. Was already stalking over to his boys. “Who wants to help me beat the stupid out of some pricks?”

They all paused immediately and looked his way.

Chaz grinned. “Like you even need to ask.”

Luke lifted a brow. “What about your probation? Your ass could get kicked out of school.”

Max shrugged, eyes darting repeatedly toward the staircase. “Let me worry about that. Just need you to back me up.”

Roger smirked and roguishly cracked his knuckles. “Then by all means, lead the way.”

Which Max promptly did, marching tersely to the foyer, then taking the steps three at a time. He could hear the sounds of scuffling, then the terrified shouts of a youth. His blood ran cold, then spiked hot as hell.

Behind him, Luke cursed. “Jesus Christ.”

Max’s jaw clenched tight as they stopped at the door where all of the melee was emerging. He knew the thing was locked, so he didn’t even bother with it. Just threw up his boot and kicked it open. Then froze in his fucking tracks.

In shock and disbelief. But mostly in paralyzing rage.

Those sons of bitches had completely ganged up on that kid. Had his skinny body bent over the foot of some nasty bed with his face pressed into the mattress. One guy was sitting on him, straddling his shoulder blades while pinning his wrists against his back. Another guy had yanked off his jeans and underwear, and Phil was standing just inches from his ass. With his feet wedged between the teen’s from behind, he’d widened his stance to spread the kid’s legs. Phil was grinning, too, as he unzipped his fly, while the fourth douchebag held his cock beside the boy’s face. Guess they planned on stuffing him from both ends.

The door hit the wall. Their heads whipped around, eyes flashing with surprise, then fury.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Phil re-zipped his fly. “This is private.”

A rumbling snarl tore up Max’s throat. “We’ve come to remind you, you sick pieces of shit, to pick on guys your own goddamn size.”

Phil’s buddies bristled, forgetting about the kid to join Phil as he strutted cockily over.