A few yards away in the crowded foyer, the front door shoved opened yet again. Max watched two more party goers amble inside, studying them like he always studied everyone. The one guy was big. Like Roger-size big. And well over six feet tall. Maybe a junior. Possibly even a senior. With a vibe that felt less than benevolent. A definite candidate to release some steam on if Max’s bad mood happened to spike. God knew, it’d been way too long since he’d scrapped. He was absolutely overdue.

His cool green eyes moved to regard the guy’s sidekick, stilling instantly when he got a good look. Jesus, the kid was young. No way was he in college. Probably just a senior in high school. Shaggy dark hair. Skinny. Pale. Max watched him stumble by a group of chattering chicks, accidentally bumping into one as he passed. She gasped as beer splashed down her front, then shot him a nasty glare.

Hmm. So he was young and really wasted. And not just from alcohol. His eyes were way too glossy. A look Max recognized from some of his subs. The ones who’d come for a session all drugged out. Of course, Max refused them. Every single time. He didn’t even allow alcohol or pot. It made him uncomfortable. Because for all intents and purposes, it was an outside influence he couldn’t control.

And Max liked controlling absolutely everything.

“Is that your boy?” Chaz asked Luke hopefully. “That torched twink that just walked in the door?”

Luke glanced the teen’s way and rolled his eyes. “Yeah, right. I don’t even think he’s legal. Besides, too skinny. I like mine with meat. You should see Toni’s bubble butt.” He all but licked his chops. “Watching it jiggle as I smack it good? Shit, yeah. Fuckin’ sweet.”

Roger grunted. “Well, that’s good, ‘cause if your boy stands you up, he’s gonna require a serious spanking.”

Luke grinned. “Oh, trust me. He’ll be gettin’ some of that either way.”

Max smirked and got back to people watching, sipping his skunky beer. But right as he picked out his next subject to scrutinize, glossy-eyed boy snagged his attention yet again. Or rather, his big friend did, as he shoved the kid into a wall.

“What the fuck’s wrong with you?” the larger dude shouted, his drunken voice rising over the music. “You spilled that chick’s beer. God, you’re such an idiot. I can’t fucking take you anywhere.”

Max glared incredulously. They were at a fucking frat party. A place where beer gets spilled. A lot. Maybe Max should “take” Mr. Asshole outside and teach him some fucking manners. Remind him it’s not nice to be a punkass bully.

The smaller dude recoiled, then stumbled off, bee-lining it straight for the keg. Yeah, like his drunk ass needed any more alcohol. More like a couple fucking meals. God, he was scrawny. Even his vibe felt sick. Like his soul was just as malnourished as his body.

Max shook his head and looked away just as “How Will I Laugh Tomorrow” rolled through the sound system. Suicidal Tendencies. Shitty name, but awesome band, with a song that was pretty damn fitting. Not that Max was going to dwell on that shit.

Out of the crowd, a drunk dude ambled over. Max looked him over, sizing him up. Tall. Blond. Tight athletic body. Yup, Max would definitely bend him over.

The guy came to a stop and flashed a flirty smile. “Hey. You ah… You got a light?”

Max fought the urge to roll his eyes. Laziest pick-up line ever. “Hold on.” He turned and elbowed Chaz. “Amigo. Gimme your lighter.”

Chaz turned from his convo with Roger and paused, looked jock boy over, grinned, then dug one from his pocket.

Max took the thing and flicked it to life. The blond’s tipsy smile quickly turned sheepish. “You wouldn’t happen to have a smoke by chance, too?”

Max stared at him, wondering if he was worth the hassle. Seemed pretty fucking high maintenance so far. “Sure. One sec.” But he wouldn’t get it from Chaz. Chaz’s lighter was kept for other sordid reasons. Max bumped the arm of a guy behind him. A dude he’d seen puffing away earlier. “Gimme a smoke.”

The guy paused and glared at him. “Do I know you?”

Max leveled him with a dark, hard stare. “No. Will that be a problem?”

The dude stilled instantly, as if seeing something in Max’s eyes, then quickly shook his head. “Not at all.” Fumbling a cigarette free from his pack, he hurriedly handed it over.

Max turned back to the blond. “Shall we try this again?”

Jock boy grinned and shifted his weight. “Definitely. But how ‘bout we try it outside?” His drunk eyes twinkled in blatant invitation. “We could, ya know, take a walk.”

Riiiight. Take a walk. Max’s dick stirred in his pants, well aware of what the guy was really suggesting. He wanted to fuck around. Wanted a taste of Max’s cock. Max wondered if he knew how to deep-throat. Again, his stare roamed down the guy’s body. “Sure. Why not.” Then he locked their gazes. “As long as you can walk on your knees.”