But what was so fucking world-changing during that grand finale, was the fact that Max had finally climaxed with Sean. And not just with him but in him. Had filled Sean’s upturned ass to overflowing, Sean had actually felt some trying to escape. Fuck, the second he’d realized what Max was doing. When Max shot to his feet and straddled Sean’s hips, then pressed his warm crown to Sean’s door. Sean’s heart had literally leapt in his chest, that Max was giving him something so personal. Something so intrinsically private.

And then… Good God… the sensation of Max filling him, of his virile cum pumping into Sean’s channel. Sean had felt it, felt all of it, every thick, hot pulse, easing deeper and deeper into his body. His mind had spun deliriously. The moment had been rapturous.

And then Max’s emerald gaze locked with his, and suddenly Sean’s ribcage filled, too. But with a different kind of warmth, the kind that spoke fucking volumes. Telling Sean that even though they hadn’t joined bodies, their exchange had somehow still been just as intimate.

Max wrapped him in a blanket like every time before, but instead of instructing Sean to lay his head on Max’s thigh, Max had him sit sideways on his lap. Sean smiled and closed his eyes as Max caged him in his arms.

Fuck. So tired. So wonderfully tired.

And yet, he definitely didn’t want to fall asleep. Because despite how mind-blowing their session had been, this was still one of Sean’s favorite times. He settled his head on Max’s shoulder. Max pulled him a little bit closer.

“Sir?” he murmured.


“That was crazy awesome.”

A soft little chuckle. “Yeah. It was.”

Sean opened his eyes. Stared into space. “So, your appetite for kink… Did I meet your expectations?”

Max pressed his lips to Sean’s head. “Yeah. You did. Reached all kinds of milestones tonight.”

Sean sat up. “I did?”

Max’s expression looked content. “Mmhmm. Earned your collar. Make sure you wear that from now on at each appointment.”

Sean fingered the leather choker around his neck. “So, what, now I’m official? Like officially official?”

Max chuckled and nodded. “Yup. Officially official. You also earned the privilege to call me—” He paused, thought, then smiled. “To call me Maximus.”

Whoa, what? Sean grinned. “You mean, instead of Sir?”

Max shrugged. “Either, or.”

Sean’s insides preened. For some reason this felt huge. “Maximus,” he murmured. “Fuck, yeah. That’s hot. Do your other subs call you that, too?”

Max glanced away. Cleared his throat. “Some still call me Sir. But yeah, others have earned an upgrade.”

Sean eyed him curiously. That felt like a dodge.

Eh. Whatever. Sean just scored a new privilege! Got to call Max something sexy and new!

Speaking of new names…

Sean shifted in Max’s arms. “You called me a stór. At the end of our scene. Any chance you’ll tell me what that means?”

“Hmm.” One corner of Max’s mouth curved up. “It’s Irish. A kind of endearment. Means my treasure.”

Sean stilled. Holy wow. He had not seen that coming. Had assumed it’d meant boy toy. Or slut. His chest lit bright. A smile spanned his face.

Max chuckled and shook his head. “No. Don’t. Don’t read into that.”

Sean laughed. “Not reading into anything.”

Max’s gaze dropped to Sean’s mouth. “Good.”

Sean’s heart sped faster. He didn’t care what Max said. The man just called him a fucking treasure, and now he was staring at Sean’s lips. If that wasn’t an invitation for Sean to kiss him, then seriously, what the hell was? But before he could act on his wild-hair impulses, Max pulled Sean’s head back to his shoulder and rubbed his back.

Shit. Sean sighed. Opportunity missed.

But then he stilled as something occurred to him.



“I sort of have another session request.”

Max chuckled softly. “Alright. Let’s hear it.”

“In the future, during our scenes, can you kiss me like you did tonight?”

Max’s hand slowed down. “You want me to kiss you?”

“Yes. God, yes. After that flogging, it really helped.”

The worship-session kiss was amazing, too.

Max slid his hand up into Sean’s hair. “Okay. But only during scenes.”

Sean’s smile returned. Awesome. He nuzzled in closer. Closed his eyes. Savored the heat of Max’s body. Looked like something else was officially-official. What he’d be fantasizing about for the next seven days.

* * * * *

“Alright, cat. This is your stop.”

Sean sighed as they pulled up in front of his apartment. So much had happened in the past six hours—man, he was exhausted, and would love a post-fuck smoke—but for some reason, he wasn’t ready to say goodbye. Not because he and Max were engaged in amazing conversation—the ride home had actually been pretty quiet. Not the stand-offish kind of silence that Max typically exhibited after sessions. More like relaxed contemplation, on both sides—but because he just didn’t want to leave Max’s side. He loved being near the man. Max felt like home. The one place Sean truly belonged. Which made parting ways now feel… well, kind of wrong. Because one didn’t leave home at the end of the day, they went to it, ended at it, its comfort like nowhere else. A comfort Sean wanted to stay immersed in forever. Such an amazing—albeit unexpected—way to feel. And something he’d never experienced before now.