No doubt more proof of Sean’s earlier assertion. The one right after their very first kiss. That he wasn’t just crushing on Max anymore, he was full-fledged falling for the guy. Not because Max transported him to a whole other plane of existence where Sean would do anything, try anything, in the name of discovery. Seriously, before Max, Sean had no fucking clue that this kinky shit turned him on so hard. Good God, just tonight he drank his own fucking cum. Drank it and, shockingly, liked it. Because it tasted good, yeah, and was super-crazy twisted—satisfying his new raunchy penchants—but also because it put that gleam in Max’s eye, the one that turned Sean to lava in seconds flat. That urgency, sparked by, and only for Sean, that not only made Sean’s heart go berserk, but his stomach clench with need. Not for his Dom, though. For the man beneath the leather. That need in Sean’s belly was for Max.

Which brought things right back to the reason Sean was falling. Not because Max provided him with crazy-good sex, delivered via crazy-good skills. But because something deep inside the pit of Sean’s being ached for something deep inside Max. His passion, not his penchants. His aspirations. His dreams. Sean wanted to be a part of Max’s life, not his paycheck. Wanted the VIP seat next to his heart.

God. What Sean wouldn’t do to make Max feel that way, too.

Hell, Sean probably could make him if he had more to work with. If he could see Max more than once a fucking week. Undoubtedly, he’d make leeway then. But as it stood now, it was one day out of seven. One hour out of a hundred and sixty-eight.


He turned and looked at Max. “Is it just me, or does next Tuesday feel really far away?”

Max shoved his gear shift into park. “It’s just you.”

Sean grinned and straightened his beanie. “Admit it. You’ll miss me.”

Max relaxed into his seat. Made a face. Gave a shrug.

Sean laughed and grabbed his bag. “You, Sir, are mean.”

“No new news there.” Max smiled, amused.

Which, of course, had Sean instantly staring. Couldn’t help it. He loved when Max did that smiley shit. Made him even more irresistible than usual. So much so that it was all Sean could do not to tackle the guy right there in his truck. Something that’d undoubtedly get Sean in serious trouble. Probably land him back in that stupid fucking cage.

Sean shook himself from his trance. He’d better go. If he lingered any longer, he’d do something rash. “Well, thanks again for the ride… And dinner… And that orgasm.”

Max’s eyes glittered. “You’re welcome.”

Sean smiled and grasped the door handle, but before he could tug it open, Max reached over and brushed his fingers down Sean’s neck. Sean stilled, fighting a shiver as his heart shot back to racing. Shit, even his dick fucking stirred.

Grin curving higher, Sean cleared his throat. “Keep touching me like that, Sir, and I’m gonna want a goodnight kiss.”

Max smirked and dropped his hand. “So needy,” he murmured. But then he leaned in close, eyes locked on Sean’s mouth.

Sean’s heart skipped a beat. No way. For real? Max was going to give him that kiss after all? But right as he moved to meet Max halfway, Max leaned even further and shoved open Sean’s door.


Sean blinked. Then frowned. “Wait, what?”

Max chuckled and gave him a push. “You heard me. Get. Out.”

Sean’s mouth fell open. OMG, what a dick!

Still, he couldn’t help laughing. Because in truth, he totally should’ve seen that one coming. No way Max would give anything up that easy.

Sean climbed out, turned around, and met Max’s eyes. “Night, Casanova,” he muttered, smirking.

Max tossed a cheeky salute. “Later, cat.”

Sean shut the door and headed up the walk, watching as his Dom drove away. Yup, Max had definitely behaved differently tonight. Most noticeably, during the time following aftercare. His typical cold-shoulder routine had been non-existent. Not that his arm’s-length deal wasn’t still in place, or that he’d stopped keeping Sean rigidly in check. Merely that his demeanor never emitted its usual tension, or that chilly vibe Sean always found perplexing. Made him wonder why tonight was different. What factors had set it apart.

Right off the bat, he could think of two. Two things that hadn’t happened in previous sessions. One, they’d kissed. Twice, to be exact. And two, Sean wasn’t the only one who came. Nope, Max had orgasmed nearly simultaneously, leaving him just as sated as Sean.

God, it’d been amazing, watching Max come undone like that.

Sean headed up the external stairwell, chewing thoughtfully on his lip. Had those two new elements shifted the tides? Made Max look at him in a different light? They’d certainly affected Sean, that was for sure. Especially those kisses. The way they’d lit him up, then opened his eyes to the truth; that he was more than just sexually attraction to Max.