Max loosed a soft rumble. Flexed his fingers against Sean’s scalp.

Sean moaned at the feel. Of Max’s hands in his hair. Of Max’s dick against his mouth, silky smooth. So bad he wanted to suck Max off. Wrap his lips around his cock and go to town. Taking him so deep that he hit Sean’s throat. He loved when Max’s dick made him gag. When Max held him down, made him struggle and choke. Sean’s own cock thrummed in remembrance. He loved when Max got rough. When he turned hardcore. It made Sean feel used in the most erotic sort of way. Made him feel like Max’s horny little slut. Which he pretty much was, if truth be told. Did all of Max’s subs feel that way?

Sean’s insides purred as he mouthed Max more, his lips gripping eagerly at Max’s dick. Up and down his shaft. All along his head. Till both of them emitted needy sounds. Sean smiled, wondering who he was teasing the most. Because at first, he’d thought it’d been only him, having Max’s cock so near, but unable to suck it. But now, going by the way Max was shifting against his mouth? Making all those hot, rumbly noises?

Sean peered up to find Max watching him intently, his stubborn bottom lip between his teeth. Aw, fuck. That ravenous look in his eyes. Sean’s dick nudged its jockstrap. Could he get Max to change his mind? Only one way to find out. Holding Max’s gaze, Sean opened his mouth and tentatively bared his tongue.

Max’s emerald eyes flashed. He knew what Sean was asking. But still, he seemed reluctant to answer.

Finally, he growled and shook his head. “No.” He fisted Sean’s hair and pulled him upward, relocating Sean’s lips to his stomach. “Here,” he rasped. “I want your mouth here.”

Which was probably for the best, since Sean couldn’t suck Max’s dick. More time with it would just make him mental. Besides, now Max’s ink job was totally in range. And although Sean couldn’t trace it with his tongue, he could still follow its path with his lips. Next best thing, as far as he was concerned.

Sean dipped down and grazed a sleek black arc, dragging his lips along its curve. When he reached its end, he sealed it with a kiss, then started again with another. His pulse raced faster, his breaths turned shallow; short little bursts against Max’s skin. Skin that was, shit, so smooth and firm. Lean muscle under tanned flesh and ink. Not to mention, one hella-hot happy trail.

Dear God, Sean needed to taste it so badly, the urge so fucking strong it was staggering.

He groaned and pressed his brow to Max’s navel, regrouping. His dick throbbed so fiercely, he couldn’t concentrate. Max’s fingers in his hair weren’t helping, either. Not with the way they kept flexing non-stop, as if Max was wrestling with self-control, too. Which was awesome as shit if that were the case. Sean clung to the possibility and quickly found his bearings. He still had a lot of ground to cover.

Easing back, he licked his lips, then resumed on course, nuzzling Max’s navel with his face.

Max chuffed a soft chuckle. Sean grinned against his stomach, then moved further up Max’s eight-pack. Another rumble sounded as he kissed along each groove, as he trailed his lips atop each bulging mound. Max’s abs contracted. Released. Contracted. Hot breath rustled Sean’s hair from above.

This moment. God, this moment was fucking serene. And one he’d probably never experience again. A realization that made Sean more determined than ever to get from it as much as humanly possible. If he drove himself mad in the process, so be it. Just so long as Max was tail-spinning as well.

Working his mouth higher, Sean eyed Max’s pecs. Two decadent mounds of pure masculine power. But then Sean’s gaze locked on Max’s nipples.

Oh, hell yeah. Time to play.

Grinning impishly, he rose to his knees, kissing higher till his lips grazed one perky nub. Max’s fingers clutched Sean’s head. Even his breathing seemed to stop. Looked like Max was excited about this also. Sean stared at his nipple, such a tight, firm bud, then studied its tiny little ring. He’d been with others who had piercings, too, but never had a chance to mess with them. Mainly because he’d been plowing the guys from behind and hadn’t really had the opportunity.

Which wasn’t the case now, and unlike with the others, Sean actually wanted to see how Max’s worked. Again, his wrists twisted urgently behind his back, his fingers jonesing desperately to touch. To tug and toy with Max’s exotic little nipples. Find out just how strongly piercings affected them. But unfortunately, his lips would have to do.

Lifting his eyes, he met Max’s gaze, holding it as he kissed Max’s nip. Max’s Adam’s apple bobbed. His little nub firmed harder. As did Sean’s reeling cock. Sean smiled, kissed it again, all innocent and shit, then gripped that hoop with his lips and gently tugged.