Ah, God. Those eyes. Boring into Sean’s. They were making it hard to think. What gift was Max talking about? Sean scrambled to remember. But suddenly all he could do was stare at Max’s lips. Lips that were curving higher.

“You said you quit smoking for me. Was that a lie?”

Oh! That gift! How the fuck could he forget? The withdraws were still driving him crazy.

Sean shook his head quickly. “No, Sir. I quit. Wasn’t fucking easy. But I did.”

Max’s green eyes gleamed. “You suffer for me. Even now. By choice. To please me.”

Sean’s heart tripped in his chest. He smiled. “Is it working?”

“Of course. You gave up your happiness for mine. And now I’m going to reward you for your sacrifice.”

A jolt of excitement lit Sean’s body. “Reward me?”

“Mmhmm. A little something before our scene.”

Sean shifted on his knees. His boner stiffened harder.

Max chuckled and stepped back. Crossed his arms and spread his stance. “Pick an activity, Sean. From any of my services.”

Sean froze. Stared at Max. Holy shit. “Are you serious?”

“Mmhmm. You remember the list on my website?”

“Yes, Sir. I remember.” Remembered bigtime. Even with such an extensive selection. His eyes roamed Max’s body, lingering on his chest. His shirtless chest, as it were, by Sean’s request.

Max’s lids dipped lower. “So what’ll it be? More lessons sucking my cock?... How ‘bout some Puppy Play. I just got a new set of—”

“Body worship.”

Max stilled and looked at him. His eyes glittered. “That’s your choice?”

“Yes, Sir.” Sean held his gaze. “I want to worship your body.”

Max shifted his weight. Rubbed his crotch. Softly growled. “Then worship it, you shall. Come. To the couch.”

Holy shit. Holy shit. Sean’s heart raced ecstatically. But the second he stood to follow Max over, Max held up a hand and stopped him. “No. You want to worship me? You come to me on your knees.”

Sean grinned and sank back down. Damn. Fucking hot.

Max smirked, reached the sofa, and had a seat.

Sean shuffled closer, vibrating from head to toe. He couldn’t believe this was happening. That Max was letting him do this. Giving Sean free rein over his body. With his mouth, at least. To lick and bite. To nibble and suck. Maybe sneak in a little hickey.

Max unzipped his fly when Sean came to stop. “Fifteen minutes, cat. And only use your lips.”

Sean looked at him oddly. “You mean my mouth?”

“No.” Max shook his head. “I mean your lips. Your mouth would mean teeth and tongue, too.” Inching his pants down, he pulled out his junk.

Sean’s eyes locked dolefully on to Max’s cock. “Seriously? I can’t use my tongue?”

“Nope.” Max stroked himself. “Nothing can enter your mouth, either.”

Sean’s jaw dropped open. Wait, what? No! That’s bullshit! How was he supposed to worship Max’s body if he couldn’t even suck his dick? “But, Sir.” He shook his head. “I don’t understand. If I can’t use my tongue, or put anything in my mouth, then how can I—”

“Make do.”

Sean frowned.

Max smirked.

Sean pursed his lips.

Max grinned and spread his knees.

And just like that, Sean’s irritation vanished, Max’s subtle little invite derailing all thought. After all, Sean rarely got to touch the guy, let alone put his lips all over him. Which made this moment huge. And arousing as fuck.

From Max’s music station across the room, the current song ended, ushering in another on its heels. “A Little Death,” by The Neighbourhood. Such a sultry little ditty. Sliding like silk under Sean’s skin.

His heart sped faster as he eased between Max’s thighs, his bound hands itching to play. Jesus. Where to start first? He sat on his heels. Stared at Max’s crotch.

Mmm. Right there looks fucking perfect.

Breath left him. He leaned in. “Oh fuck, Sir…” he murmured—right before he face-nuzzled Max’s nuts.

“Shit, yeah.” Max palmed the back of Sean’s head.

Sean closed his eyes and inhaled, long and deep, taking in Max’s masculine scent. Just out of the shower, his musk was faint, but Sean still picked up enough to make him salivate. Fuck, he needed to taste him. Needed to lick Max’s balls. Suck them into his mouth one by one. His lips fell open of their own accord. Then his tongue emerged also to—

Max fisted Sean’s hair. A stern, silent warning.

Sean groaned, but forced his brain to focus. He could do this. Still have fun without tongue and teeth. No way would he squander this moment. Sean nuzzled Max’s junk harder, then covered his sac with an endless trail of slow, sensual kisses.

Shit. So warm. So smooth. So soft.

He burrowed lower, working his nose under Max’s nuts. Fuck, yeah. So heavy, too.

Max spread his thighs wider. Clutched Sean’s head with both hands. “Damn, caitín. Mmm. Love that frisky little face.”

Sean roamed back up to the base of Max’s cock, then kissed his way down its steely length. It bucked against his lips when Sean reached the top. Sean smiled. Gave it more. In the form of feisty nibbles roaming every single inch of Max’s crown.