I shook my head. The last thing I needed was to watch a movie about a scarred man shunned by society who was secretly obsessed with an innocent woman.

“I think I’d rather watch Frozen,” I countered, trying to match his smile. I mostly succeeded. The less romance, the better.

He nodded decisively. “We will belt out Let It Go. I don’t care if your neighbors hate us.”

A genuine laugh bubbled from my chest. “I think it’s too late for that. We’ve already had several tipsy musical sessions.”

“Good thing your dad’s the mayor. They wouldn’t dare call the cops on us for a noise complaint.”

“Good thing,” I agreed with a giggle. God, it felt so good to laugh. I could hardly wait for the weekend, when I would be surrounded by my besties and the warmth of their love. “Thanks again, Davis. Love you.”

He dusted a kiss over my cheek before finally pulling away. “Like I said, anytime. Call me if you need anything.”

“Will do,” I promised, knowing that he wouldn’t leave until I agreed.

We said our goodbyes, and I went into my apartment, locking the door behind me. I didn’t have much of an appetite after the stomach-turning events of the day, but I forced down a bowl of pasta. When I finished, it was too early to get ready for bed, despite my emotional exhaustion. I settled onto my couch, making a little nest amongst the plush pillows and pulling my soft blanket over my legs: my favorite reading position.

The first bang on my door shuddered through my body like a thunderclap, shattering the peaceful cocoon I’d wrapped myself in for those few blissful seconds. Two more booming knocks reverberated from my foyer. The doorknob rattled. My heart leapt into my throat, but the lock held firm. For now.

“Allie!” Gavin’s voice penetrated the thick wood that separated us, my name slurring slightly. “Come out here, you little bitch.”

My hand was on my phone, trembling around the pink protective case. My thumb hovered over the screen, hesitating to make an emergency call.

I’d promised Davis that I’d get help if Gavin threatened me again. Or I’d promised that I’d call him if I needed anything.

My front door vibrated on its hinges as Gavin assaulted it with his fist.

I couldn’t bring Davis into this. He would get hurt.

And if I involved the cops, Gavin might tell them about the night when Max had beaten him up.


I found his contact details and tapped out a text. I jolted so badly when Gavin bellowed my name that I had to delete the nonsense words and try again.

Can you come over?

The message was marked as read within seconds, but there was no reply.

The pounding on my door stopped. I held my breath, praying that my bully had given up.

“Come on, Freckles,” he slurred, softer and placating. “I just want to talk. We can fix this. Let me in.”

I recalled the toxic heat of his groping hands on my bottom, the sickening warmth of his breath on my cheeks as he whispered the hated nickname like a twisted endearment. My stomach lurched.

Please, Max.

No reply.

Another bang on my door, one thunderous punch. “Allie!”

I hastily typed out another plea. Gavin is at my house.

A shocked yelp jumped from my chest when my phone immediately started ringing. I answered within a heartbeat. “Max?” My voice squeaked on his name as Gavin punched my door again.

Max’s gravelly, rage-roughened voice was a soothing balm to my jittery nerves. “Where is he?”

“Outside.” I released the reply on a relieved exhale.

“And you’re in your apartment? The door is locked?”

“Yes. But I…” I swallowed down the lump of anxiety in my throat. “He’s really angry, and I don’t know how to make him leave. I can’t confront him. I think he might be drunk, and the last time he was drunk, he—”

“Of course you can’t confront him.” My dark protector’s voice was sharp with anger. “Stay inside, Bambi. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

The call ended, and I clutched the phone directly over my hammering heart. I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath, struggling to calm the panic that gathered in my chest with each bang of Gavin’s fist against my door.

Everything would be okay. Max would be here soon.


I’d promised myself I would leave her alone. I’d sworn to stop following her after that moment of madness in the library, when I’d pushed her up against the shelves and claimed her mouth like a man obsessed.

I was obsessed with Allie. My enemy’s daughter.

But I’d left her alone for only a couple of days, and already she was in danger. And not from my family—or even the Russians.

That entitled, pretty-boy bastard was the threat this time. Her bully. Gavin.

He’d dared to touch what was mine once before. I should’ve dealt with him more permanently then, but she’d been watching, and I couldn’t let her see the brutal extent of what I was truly capable of.