After tonight, he wouldn’t so much as breathe the same air as her ever again.

If I left him breathing at all.

The little quaver of fear in her voice when she’d called me for help echoed through my mind, fueling my racing steps with a fresh pulse of protective rage.

When I rounded the corner onto her street, a red haze descended on my mind. The motherfucker was punching her door, trying to get inside and hurt my Allie. I remembered his hands on her the last time I’d seen them together: when he’d molested her.

A savage snarl ripped from my chest as I slammed into him. His shocked shout ended on a sickening crack as his skull bashed into the door. I wrenched him away from her house, shoving him down the two brick steps leading to the sidewalk. The bastard flailed as he fell back. The sound of his elbow breaking again as he tried to catch himself on the concrete didn’t even being to satisfy my need to punish him for what he’d done.

My fist smashed into his face, and blood sprayed from his split lips. I lost myself in my rage, the need to protect her from this scum consuming all rational thought, pushing me to the brink of madness.


The sound of her shouting my name cleaved through the red haze that’d clouded my mind. All my muscles locked up tight, pulling the next punch that would’ve broken the bastard’s jaw. I felt her presence like a tingle on the back of my neck, but I didn’t take my eyes off my target.

He’d scared her. He’d hurt her. For years, he’d tormented her.

“Max, that’s enough. Someone will call the cops.”

Her firm words dragged me out of the spiraling rage that’d threatened to overtake me once again. I took a second to study the bloody mess I’d made of Gavin’s face. His perfect nose was broken, and I might’ve managed to fracture a few more fine bones around his eyes. He coughed and spluttered. Two pearly white teeth were strewn on the pavement.

It wasn’t enough. Not nearly enough. Not after everything he’d put her through.

I lowered my face to his, and he released a pathetic whimper.

“You’re lucky she’s here to stop me,” I seethed, speaking low so that she wouldn’t be able to overhear. “You would be dead if she wasn’t watching right now. Come near her again, and I won’t stop next time, no matter what she says.”

Her soft heat brushed my shoulder, and I glanced up to find her looming over us both. Her green eyes flashed as she glowered down at her bully, like an avenging angel. Her small fists clenched at her sides, and her shoulders were stiff. Rather than cowering and crying, Allie had been overtaken by her own righteous rage. She was so fiercely beautiful that it took my breath away.

“Don’t come here again, Gavin.” Her command dripped with ice. “If you do, I’ll get a restraining order. You know Mr. Callahan will back me up. The only way your Daddy won’t have to get his lawyers involved is if you leave me alone. Are we clear?”

Gavin’s eyes rolled as he struggled to focus on her. I gripped his battered jaw and forced him to face me instead. His entire body shuddered when he looked up at my twisted scowl.

“She asked you a question,” I hissed. “Don’t come near her ever again. Understood?”

“Y-yeah.” The word was garbled through a mouthful of blood, but fear made him compliant.

Good. I wanted him to be scared. I wanted him to feel just a fraction of the fear he’d inflicted upon her for so many years.

I shoved up off him, giving him space to move.

“Get out of here,” I snapped.

“And don’t even think about reporting this,” Allie added, all icy composure. “I don’t care what you have to say to explain away your injuries, but don’t breathe a word about coming to my house. If you do, I will ruin your life.”

His face paled beneath the crimson blood that smeared his cheeks. It took him three attempts to get to his feet without falling over. I edged my body between them, keeping Allie shielded from his reeling frame. He stumbled to the curb and hailed a taxi. I heard him groan for a hospital before the door closed behind him.

As soon as the bastard was gone, I rounded on Allie. “You should get a restraining order.” I didn’t understand why she would stop at a mere threat. Gavin was dangerous, and I might not always be here to protect her.

My stomach twisted at the inherent wrongness of the thought. I liked being Allie’s protector far too much. When I was keeping her safe, I was able to delude myself that there was a shred of goodness in me.