“Thanks for walking me home. I’m probably overreacting.” I ran a shaky hand through my hair, and Davis offered me a sympathetic smile that didn’t quite reach his sea green eyes. They flashed with anger, but it wasn’t directed at me.

“Never apologize for asking for help,” he admonished, uncharacteristically stern and serious. “Especially if you’re not feeling safe.” He rolled his shoulders, as though trying to release pent-up tension. “Fuck, I just hate that motherfucker so much. I hate that he scares you, Allie.”

I dropped my gaze, something like shame heating my cheeks. I hated that I was scared, too. I hated that Gavin could to this to me: shake the confidence I’d so painstakingly built over the last three years since high school.

“I’m sure everything will be fine.” I tried to reassure us both. “It would be crazy for him to come here again. I know he’s got to be pissed, but I doubt he…feels the same way about me as he did before. That time he…” I trailed off, fidgeting. I didn’t want to talk about the time my bully had followed me home and groped me.

I didn’t want to think about how Max had saved me and given Gavin a long-overdue punch to his smug face. I’d started truly falling for my dark protector that night.

Before he’d broken everything we shared.

My lips tingled with the memory of the possessive kiss he’d stolen in the library. I hadn’t heard a word from him since then.

I didn’t want to. I didn’t.

“Hey,” Davis called me back to the present, his tone gentle despite the lingering tension in his jaw. “I won’t let that douchebag threaten you. If you want me to walk you home every freaking day, I’m here for you. Always. Promise me you’ll call if you need me.”

His eyes searched mine before he asked cautiously, “Are you sure you don’t want to report him to the cops? I know it happened a couple weeks ago, but what he did to you was assault, Allie. You could get a restraining order, at the very least.”

I was already shaking my head before he finished speaking. “Things are bad enough. Who knows what his dad will do once he finds out I’m the reason his golden boy was fired from his prestigious internship?”

“Your dad wouldn’t want you to put yourself at risk for the sake of a campaign donor. You have to know that.”

A lump formed in my throat. “I know. And that’s exactly why I can’t let him know about what happened. Besides, if I report Gavin, he might report Max for beating him up.”

Davis couldn’t seem to help rolling his eyes. “Honey, Max obviously hurt you. Why are you protecting him? We’re talking about your physical safety here. Some ex-fling isn’t as important as your wellbeing.”

Davis had no clue about Max’s mafia ties and what it would really mean if my dad discovered our relationship. Even if things were over between us, a police report involving Gavin, Max, and me would bring down hell on my fierce protector. No matter how he’d hurt me, I couldn’t do that to him. He’d suffered enough in his life. He was still suffering. I knew that deep in my heart.

“How about this?” I was going to have to compromise with Davis, or he wouldn’t drop this. “If things turn sour between Mr. McCrae and my dad because of Gavin getting fired, I’ll take steps to get a restraining order.” I was certain Mike would back me up if I reported Gavin’s pattern of bullying at the office, and that might be enough to protect me from my tormentor. There was a possibility that I wouldn’t have to report the incident with Max beating up Gavin.

“But,” I added, “if Mr. McCrae doesn’t cut my dad off as a result of his son getting fired, then I’m going to keep my head down and move on with my life. Gavin won’t be working with me anymore. We go to different schools. I’ll probably barely see him from now on.”

Davis’ eyes narrowed in challenge. “And what about when you both attend legal networking events? What about when he goes to your dad’s fundraisers?”

I rested my hand on his arm, conveying my gratitude for his concern. “I doubt he’ll show his face at any networking events anytime soon. Not after losing his internship. As for the fundraisers, you’ll be there with me, right? You guys mean everything to me. You and Isabel and Charlie.” I gave his shoulder a light squeeze. “Thank you for walking me home. Really, Davis. I appreciate you so much.”

He pulled me into a tight hug. “I love you too, Allie. We all do.” He stepped away and fixed me with an almost aggressively bright smile, as though he could will all the darkness in my life away. “We’re totally having a popcorn, pinot, and musical night this weekend. I’m thinking Phantom of the Opera.”