“Sam,” he said with a sigh. “Something always happens when you’re involved.”

“That’s not even—okay. Yes. That’s pretty much true. I have nothing.”

“Sam, before we go, if I may.”

“Yes, Kevin.”

“I know your mother and I have ended our relationship.”

“I changed my mind. Stop.”

“And I know I’ve been a distant stepfather at best.”

“Oh my gods.”

“But son? That whole lightning thing? That was hot. I would just destroy you if you’d let me.”

“Oh my gods.”

“Remember when I used to hate your magic because wizards suck?”

“I wish that was still the case.”

“Well now I like it, and I hope wizards suck.”

“Why aren’t you defending my honor?” I asked Ryan, poking him in the chest.

He shrugged. “I don’t disagree with what he’s saying.”

“Useless. All of you. Since Ryan jinxed us, we should get moving before we get eaten or—”

From farther into the island came the deafening roar of an unmistakably large creature. It echoed through the cavern around the island until it finally faded.

“—or the dragon wakes up and knows we’re here,” I finished weakly. “Because holy fuck, it’s awake and knows we’re here.”

We all turned toward the dome, expecting to see it slithering toward us, teeth bared, ready to eat our legs and patellas, but there was nothing there.

But I could feel it. It wasn’t whispering to me in my head anymore, at least not in words. There was just that hook in my brain, jerking me forward, and all I could think was now, now, now.

“Well shit,” Gary said. “Sam’s got glowing eyes again. That will never not be freaky.”

“Kevin?” I asked without looking away from the dome. “Can you feel it?”

“Yes,” Kevin said, sounding dreamy. “He’s in there.”



“Can you talk to him?”

“No. It’s not…. I can just feel him. He’s awake. He’s waiting for us. He’s waiting for you.”

“Eh, maybe we should think about this,” Ryan said. “Since anytime we’ve rushed headfirst into anything without thinking it through, it’s never really worked out in our favor.”

“You rescued the Prince and landed the wizard without thinking it through,” Gary pointed out. “In fact, I don’t know that you ever think things through.”

He glared at Gary. “I think things through all the time. It’s not my fault I’m surrounded by all of you people.”