I pulled away. “I’m not worried.”


“Okay, fine. Maybe a little worried. But you saw what I did. Ryan, no one should be able to do that. Randall can’t even do that.”

Ryan shrugged. “He’s already said you’re more powerful than he is. He just thinks you’re unfocused.”

“Being unfocused with that level of power will get someone killed,” I said.

“It’s a good thing you have me, then.”

“Oh my gods. Of course you would make this about your ego. You dickbag.”

He rolled his eyes. “You’re the most powerful wizard in an age. I’m your cornerstone. Therefore I’m the most powerful cornerstone in an age. It’s my destiny, after all.”

I wiggled my fingers at him. “I will curse your tongue so it falls out of your mouth.”

“Ungh,” he said, eyes glazing over.

“Heart boner definitely gone,” Gary muttered behind us. “Their sex games are so weird.”

“I don’t like sex games,” Tiggy said. “I like puzzles.”

“Gaah, I love your face. Tell me I’m beautiful.”

“You’re beautiful.”

“I know.”

There was a flap of wings, and a large shadow passed overhead. Dust and sand kicked up around us as Kevin lowered himself back onto the island, holding Ruv in his claws. He let Ruv drop down before he landed, folding his wings against his sides.

Ruv was wide-eyed as he stared at me. “They said you were powerful.” He shook his head. “They have no idea, do they?”

“I don’t think anyone does,” I said honestly. “It’s still a work in progress.”

“A work in—Sam. I have never seen that kind of magic before.”

“Oh. Well. You’re… welcome?”

“How can you do that?”

“The power of positivity?”

“He doesn’t know,” Gary said. “Isn’t that fun? You meet him, you think, oh, there’s a cute little twink with a perky butt, and the next, wham! He’s exploded your liver and turned your blood into burning oil.”

“I’m not a twink!”

“Notice how he didn’t deny the other stuff,” Gary whispered to Ruv. “Think about that the next time you let Vadoma call you his cornerstone and you don’t try to correct her.”

“Eep,” Ruv squeaked.

“Yesss,” Gary hissed. “Your fear gives me strength.”

“Well,” Ryan said, clapping his hands. “As fun as threats against Ruv are, we should probably move forward before something else happens.”

I stared at him in horror. “Why would you s

ay that? Now something else is going to happen because you jinxed us!”