She was no longer that timid sub girl, terrified of making a misstep. One of the thrills of erotic submission was taking that leap of faith and knowing that your Dom would be there to catch you. She was with a man who would keep her safe, no matter what.

“I think it would be awesome,” she said, pleased her voice came out strong and sure, despite the sudden icy fear that shivered through her. It was a good fear, she decided. Lovely, shivery, submissive fear that was just the flip side of desire.

They made their way to the submersion tank, a large Plexiglass tub that could easily accommodate the four of them. Above it there was an ominous-looking suspension rig consisting of a metal beam suspended by chains from the ceiling, body harness and cuffs attached.

As she had the first time she’d seen the rig, Rowan shuddered at the thought of being strapped into that harness and slowly lowered into the water, unable to move or resist in any way. While a part of her wanted to experience that, she suddenly wished she hadn’t been quite so eager to agree to this shared scene. She had zero experience with water play. Maybe she should have started with a simple bathtub experiment in the comfort of their apartment.

As if reading her mind, or, more accurately, her feelings as he so often seemed to, Eric said, “This is Rowan’s first time with water bondage. How about we keep it simple tonight and skip the suspension rig?”

“Sure,” Jack agreed easily. “Plenty of fun to be had either way.”

Rowan breathed out a sigh of relief as she leaned into her Dom. “Thank you,” she whispered.

Brandon had accompanied them to the water station. “If I may make a suggestion, Sirs?” he asked, addressing both Eric and Jack. At their nodding assent, he produced two clear plastic packets that contained nylon straps and what looked like vibrators, two to a bag, along with a remote-control wand.

“We just got a whole box of these in yesterday. They’re waterproof dildo harnesses designed for double penetration. A little orgasm control might be fun to add to the water equation.”

“Easy for you to say,” Cleo retorted with a mock scowl, but then she grinned.

“I’m liking that idea,” Jack enthused, accepting one of the packets.

“Absolutely,” Eric agreed, taking the second one.

The two of them conferred briefly, and then turned to the girls. “Take off your gown and shoes,” Eric said to Rowan, who immediately obeyed.

Brandon was there to take her things. “Lucky girl,” he whispered before stepping away.

Once Rowan stood naked beside the already nude Cleo, Eric addressed them both. “Here’s what we’re thinking. Assuming you’re both on board, we’re going to bind your arms behind your backs to heighten your sense of submission as we lower you into the water. To make things more, uh, lively, you’ll wear these harnesses during submersion.”

Rowan and Cleo exchanged glances. Cleo’s eyes were sparkling and she gave Rowan’s hand a comforting squeeze.

Eric turned to Cleo. “Your Master has decided you will submit to orgasm control, not climaxing unless or until he gives you permission.”

“Yes, Sir,” Cleo replied with a sweet serenity Rowan both envied and admired.

She felt a twinge of anxiety in her gut as Eric turned to her. Orgasm control was not her strong suit by any measure. To her relief, however, Eric said, “You, my darling sub girl, can come as hard and as often as you like. I figure you’ll have enough to contend with getting used to water play this first time out.”

They reviewed safeword and safe signal protocols. “Because your arms will be bound, while underwater your safe signal is to turn your head rapidly from side to side. Don’t worry about trying to stay down longer than you feel comfortable,” Eric said. “Especially you, Rowan, as you’re new to this. The time to signal is before you start to panic, not after. There’s no shame in that. It’s just common sense.”

“And don’t compare yourself to Cleo,” Jack added. “She’s very experienced with breath play and comfortable being held down for longer periods of time than you’re probably used to.”

“That’s right,” Eric agreed. “This isn’t a contest. It’s just about us having fun and pushing the envelope a little bit. Okay?”

Rowan nodded gratefully, the last of her anxiety slipping away. “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

The guys arranged the nylon harnesses around the girls’ legs, carefully easing in the dildos. Rowan accepted the vaginal dildo easily into her already throbbing cunt. Though liberally lubricated, the smaller anal phallus hurt at first, making Rowan wince.

Eric, immediately sensing her distress, murmured soothingly, “Easy, sweetheart. You can do this.” His comforting hand on her lower back, even more than his words, enabled her to relax enough to accept the phallus without any further discomfort.