Jack was preparing Cleo in a similar fashion. As Rowan glanced toward them, Cleo caught her eye and flashed a kind smile. Rowan smiled back, thinking just how far she’d come since their previous shared scene. Then she’d been a jittery wreck, too terrified of failure to possibly succeed. At the time, she’d been trying so hard to please others that she’d lost herself in the process. Now she felt empowered and strong, eager to experience this new adventure.

The guys helped Cleo and Rowan onto the ledge that spanned the perimeter of the tank. Cleo slipped easily into the water. After a moment, Rowan followed suit. The water was warm and level with her breasts. Cleo, barely five feet, was submerged nearly to her shoulders.

“This is going to be fun,” Cleo murmured, smiling at Rowan. “You okay?”

“I’m good,” Rowan asserted, hoping it was true. Though still a little nervous, she was excited, no question about that. The dildos filling her aroused her even without being turned on.

Several members had gathered around the tank, presumably to observe the upcoming scene. As the guys stripped quickly and unselfconsciously out of their clothing, more than a few of the female onlookers gave Eric a thorough once-over. One of them admired his tattoo with a bit too much girlish gush for Rowan’s taste. She allowed herself another small, secret smile.

You can look all you want, girls. But he’s mine—all mine.

Once they were all four in the water, Brandon reappeared, handing each guy a set of nylon cuffs.

Eric moved behind Rowan. “I’m going to cuff your wrists now. You good so far?”

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered, heart pattering.

She loved the way Eric took control, while at the same time leaving her a gracious way out if things became too intense. He was still very much the alpha, which suited her. But she always had a voice, and that knowledge gave her the freedom to let go and truly submit.

At a nod from Jack, Brandon clicked on Cleo’s remote. “Oooh,” she said, a shudder moving through her small frame. “Nice.”

“Hold off for Rowan,” Eric said to Brandon. “I’ll let you know when to turn it on.”

“Yes, Trainer,” Brandon replied affably.

Eric moved to stand in front of Rowan. Taking her face in his hands, he leaned down and brushed her lips with his. “I’m so proud of you, sweetheart,” he murmured for her ears only. He glanced toward the other couple, adding, “Don’t worry about whatever’s going on with them. Just focus on me, and on fully submitting to the experience. If you need to stop at any time, just say so.”

“Yes, Sir,” she agreed, loving him so much at that moment she thought she might burst.

He moved behind her and placed a hand on the top of her head. “Here’s how it’s going to work. At my signal, which will be gentle pressure on your head, you will take a deep breath and lower yourself to your knees in the tank. I’ll help you stay under by keeping my hand on your head.”

He glanced toward the large clock positioned on the wall near the tank, its red second hand sweeping around the circumference. “We’ll start with fifteen-second intervals. Depending on your comfort level, we’ll go from there. Remember, I don’t want you white-knuckling your way through this. I want it to be sexy and edgy, but also fun. No pressure. Got it?”

“Got it,” she replied.

“Okay, Brandon,” Eric said, looking toward the service slave, who waited patiently beside the tank. “You can turn on her remote, but keep it at the lowest speed.”

The toys whirred suddenly to life inside Rowan, pulling an involuntary shudder of pleasure from her. She drew in a sharp breath as Eric placed his hand on top of her head.

“Deep breath,” he said soothingly. “I want you to breathe in and out slowly to relax. We won’t begin until you’re ready.”

Rowan’s heart, which had zipped to hummingbird speed at the feel of his hand on her head, slowed to something closer to normal as she did her best to control her breathing. She saw out of the corner of her eye that Cleo had already disappeared beneath the water. Reminding herself not to compare, she closed her eyes and drew in another deep breath, letting it out slowly.

“Good,” Eric said, his hand still resting lightly on her head. “Remember, when I apply gentle pressure, you are to lower yourself to your knees and stay down either until I remove my hand, or if you need to use your safe signal. When I remove my hand, I’ll also tap your shoulder to indicate you need to come up. All clear?”

“Yes, Sir,” Rowan agreed, her mouth suddenly dry.

“Deep breath and hold it,” he said from behind her.

She drew in a huge breath and squeezed her eyes tightly closed. At his signal, she lowered herself down until her knees touched the smooth, plastic bottom of the tank. She counted in her head. One…two…three…