“Dad is gone,” Drew said bluntly. “I went out for coffee, and he was gone when I got back.”

“I knew he would go.” She didn’t sugarcoat it. “And I’m glad he didn’t try to pull you back in when he left.”

“I wouldn’t have run with him, Tash. I’m turning myself in. I’m sick to death of running. I’ll take whatever they throw at me. I meant it when I said I was done. No more lies. Ever.”

She leaned into Daniel’s shoulder, feeling sick at the thought of what would happen to Drew. But also knowing he needed to face the consequences. “I’m proud of you for owning up to everything. I’m here in any way you need me.”

“I love you, Tash. And I’m sorry. So damned sorry, I wish I could rewind back to eighteen and make very different choices.”

“Those choices made us who we are,” she said softly. Amazingly, they’d brought her to Daniel. “I’ll help any way I can, just please call to let me know what’s going to happen to you once you talk to the authorities.”

They said their good-byes, then Daniel held her tightly. “I take it your father is in the wind?”


His muscles tensed. “Do you want me to find him? I can. I will.”

“No. Just like Drew, he has to make that decision himself, whether he wants to pay for what he did or run for the rest of his life. And maybe for now, that’s what he thinks he still wants.” She sighed. “It might be crazy for me to believe this, but I have to keep the faith that losing his family will force him to change.”

For long, beautiful, agonizing moments, Daniel simply held her, his lips against her hair. Then he said, “I can get a good lawyer for Drew. I’ll pay for him too.”

His sweetness and caring brought tears to her eyes. “Thank you. But I can’t let you pay for anything.”

“We’re partners. And now your brother is my family too. He’s doing the right thing, and I want to help him.”

“Thank you,” she whispered again, choking back the sob that rose up.

“One more thing,” he murmured against her hair.


“Anything?” He had a wicked glint in his eyes, one that boded very well for her.

“Yes, anything.”

“Okay then.” He slid her from his arms, settling her back on the chair as he went down on one knee. “Marry me.”

She threw her arms around him, her love for him so great she didn’t think her body could contain it. “Yes.”


The Fourth of July was blazingly hot out by Matt’s pool. The kids, and most of the adults too, were staying cool in the water.

Daniel was glad to find a rare moment alone with his mother while Tasha was playing with kids and puppies. Both Jeremy and Noah were ecstatic that their little furry friends would finally be able to stay with them.

“They are absolutely adorable,” Mom said.

“Yes, they all are.”

Especially his gorgeous, talented, smart, and sexy Tasha. He’d never been happier. He’d always known love would do that; he just hadn’t realized how many different meanings there could be for the word perfect. And Tasha was finally happy too.

She’d connected with her friends and reestablished her business. The clients were rolling in again. She was crafting some super-secret special interactive program that would be an adjunct to his how-to videos. That was all he knew, since she shut down her computer every time he entered the room so her huge surprise wouldn’t be spoiled. Whatever it was would be magnificent, he was certain of it.

Her gray clouds were gone, her shadows dispelled. She was the woman who had been lurking beneath the surface that first day he followed her into her cabin.

And he never wanted to leave.

Daniel slipped his hand around his mom’s, squeezing. “I have you to thank for finding Tasha.”