He crushed her to him then, and together they fell to the bed.

“You’re everything to me,” he vowed. “I never dreamed you would fall into my life.”

“From a roof, no less,” she said with a smile that was full of more joy than she’d ever known was possible.

* * *

“I love you,” he whispered against her lips before he parted them and went deep. Tasted her, tasted sweetness, tasted love. “You are so beautiful, inside and out.” He would never cease to be amazed by her. “I’m going to make love to you for the rest of my life.” It was a promise, a vow.

He reached between them, pulling her clothes off, his fingers grazing her until she shivered with the erotic contact. R

eveling in the heat of her, in the bounty of her breasts, he lavished kisses on the pearled tips. Then finally she was naked. He tore at his clothes, because the only thing in the world he needed now was her skin against his.

He entered her with a slow reverence, their bodies generating heat like the inside of a volcano.

“Daniel.” She arched, pushed her head back into the mattress, taking him deeper ever so slowly.

The times they’d had each other were out of this world, but after everything they’d revealed to each other, this was a true communion. He needed to relish each moment of it. Every moment of her.

He went to his knees, holding himself inside her, draping her legs over his thighs. “Tasha,” he whispered. “I’ll remember the sight of you like this forever.”

Her skin was tinged pink, her eyes half-lidded with desire, her lips moist and red from his kisses. He ran his fingers over her stomach, savoring her, then finally dropped to her hips and pulled her tight against him.

She rewarded him with a delicious moan. “Please,” she begged.

He held her, moved slowly inside her, so damn slowly it was exquisite torture. “Do you feel that?”

She cried out, her hands on his arms, her body clutching him from the inside, and he breathed harshly to stave off his own pleasure. As she dug her heels into the mattress, all her muscles tightening, he found her perfect spot and rode it relentlessly, his strokes short and slow. Driving them both to the edge of wildness.

It was all he could do not to lose control as her body tightened and released, squeezed and rolled. She moved with him, unconsciously trying to take him deeper, harder, faster.

His blood pounded, his body wanting to unleash, yet his mind needed this. Flushed with arousal, her lips parted, her breasts rising, falling, every muscle tensed. And the glorious sight of him filling her, the intimate connection, the ultimate ownership, his and hers.

Then he moved his hands between her thighs and Tasha went wild, crying out her pleasure, grabbing his arms, her nails biting where she held him, her body spasming around him.

Until the moment he couldn’t hold out a second longer, falling on her, thrusting high and deep, her cries filling him up. There was only her, the pleasure, the feel of her around him, and the explosion rocketing through him as she dragged him into the glorious wildness with her.

* * *

Tasha woke in the morning to the scent of coffee and bacon and toast, and the sound of the suite’s front door closing. Daniel had slung a fluffy robe across the foot of the bed for her, and she drew its thick folds around her, feeling lusciously naked beneath the soft material.

Delicious scents drew her out to the living room. Daniel wore the matching robe, the lapels hanging open to reveal tanned skin that she wanted to kiss all over, just the way she had last night.

“Coffee?” He held up the pot. “Or juice.”

Wrapping her arms around him from behind, she whispered in his ear, “You.”

He pulled her around to sit in his lap, kissing her breathless. “If you keep doing that,” he told her, “our breakfast will get cold.”

“I don’t mind if breakfast gets cold.”

Of course, that was right when Daniel’s phone rang again. Somehow, she guessed it was her brother, even before Daniel said the words.

She already knew why Drew was calling, had known it every moment that she was with her father in the hospital room. All the belief in the world couldn’t change someone who didn’t want to change. At least, not this quickly.

She climbed off Daniel to take the phone from him, but he pulled her to his lap again, giving her his strength. Just as they’d promised each other, he would always be there whenever she needed him.

With his arms around her, she said, “Hello.”