Leaning in, he rubbed his nose against hers, and then kissed her again. She started as she felt one of his hands on her knee, gasping into his mouth as he eased it slowly up her thigh. Acting on instinct and the overpowering desire to feel more, she let her legs fall open. He groaned in approval, the sound vibrating against her chest, as his hand slowly crept upward.

And then finally, he was at the juncture of her thighs and cupping her center. “Fuck, Tarun, you’re so wet.”

She opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came out, because at that moment, his fingers slipped inside her, the calloused digits circling around her swollen nub. And sweet heaven, it was unlike anything she’d felt before. Far better than the times she’d touched herself, and he’d barely gotten started.

It wasn’t going to take long, though, she knew that immediately, and she was right. He’d only circled a few times before her back was arching, her body strung tightly, right on the precipice. One more circle, then he pressed down firmly, rubbing directly over it, and that was all it took.

She was flying, so fast and so far, it should have scared her. But it was impossible to feel fearful in his arms. She let herself go, her body shuddering against his, reveling in the strangled curse he let out.

When she finally came down, she was panting, and Luke’s face was buried in her neck as he held himself perfectly still. There was a fine tremor skating over his skin, and she knew he was calling on every ounce of his superhuman control. Trying to give her time to recover, maybe.

The hell of it was, she didn’t need it. She’d just come harder than she’d ever made herself in her life. Soared higher than ever, and felt like she almost drowned in pleasure. She was practically boneless and should be totally sated.

But she could already feel desire for him burning through her veins again. Already feel her core tightening, gearing up to go again.

She had a feeling she would never get enough of this man and what he could do to her.

“I want to feel you inside me, Luke.”

He froze against her—she didn’t even think he was breathing. And when he raised his head and his golden eyes met hers, the need in them almost did her in.

“I want that too, baby. But, if I’m right—and I think I am, based on the way I know you were raised—you haven’t done this before. I’m trying to do this slow. I want it to be good for you.”

Heart melting, she leaned up and kissed his lips softly. “It already is good for me. More than good, it’s been amazing. And I’d bet anything that it’ll get even better. I don’t need you to go slow, Luke. I just need you.”

His eyes softened and he leaned down, giving her a thorough kiss that had her heated blood sizzling through her veins. “If I hurt you, tell me. Promise me, T.”

Lips curling, she nodded. “I’m not completely ignorant about this. I know the first time will hurt. But I promise, if it gets bad, I’ll let you know.”

She let her legs fall open further and as he kissed her again, she felt him settle within the cradle of her thighs. His dick brushed against her, and she sucked in a breath, just that touch already sending pleasure streaking through her.

Propping himself up on one hand, he took himself in hand and rubbed the head through her folds, coating himself in her wetness. With every pass, he bumped her nub, and she arched her back with pleasure. It felt amazing, but she was dying to feel him inside her.

And then, finally, she got her wish. Lining himself up at her entrance, he held himself still for a moment as he propped himself up on his forearms, planted on either side of her. As he brushed her hair back from her face, he gazed into her eyes as he slowly began pushing himself inside her.

He eased in slowly, pushing forward a little at a time and then sliding back out, over and over, going a little deeper with every push. Until finally, she could feel him against the barrier of her virginity. She squirmed, wanting him to get it over with, but he held his hips still.

He kissed her nose gently and then pulled back to meet her eyes again, his golden depths radiating sincerity. “I’m so sorry.”

Before she could even formulate a reply, he pulled out slightly, and then pushed in hard, breaking through the proof of her virginity, not stopping until he was buried all the way inside her. She sucked in a breath, for a moment unable to feel anything except the pain. It was worse than she expected, and it felt like it was coating every inch of her body.

Luke held himself perfectly frozen, and she was more grateful than she could express as she fought to breathe evenly. Eventually, the pain dulled, becoming more of a sting, and then even that eased, leaving only a slightly uncomfortable feeling of fullness.

Glancing up, the words giving him the okay to move on the tip of her tongue, she stilled as she caught the look of anguish in his eyes. It was completely different from the look of pain-like unfulfillment he’d worn earlier.

The expression he had right then was the look of a man who’d hurt a woman he cared about, his eyes full of self-loathing.

“Hey,” she said softly, bringing a hand up to cup his cheek. “It’s okay.”

His voice was tight when he replied. “No. It’s not. I hurt you, and that’s the last thing I ever want to do. I know it was bad for you.”

“Just for a moment. I swear, I’m fine now.”

Looking unconvinced, he shook his head. “Maybe we should stop now.”

The hell they would. That wasn’t even an option. But she could tell there was nothing she could say to sway him.

She was grateful he was thinking about her physical comfort, she really was. But her discomfort would be a lot worse if they stopped now—because she might still feel too full in that moment, but her desire was rushing back quickly, and it needed to be sated.