So did his.

Deciding it was up to her to keep them going, she wrapped her arms and legs around him, making sure her grip was tight. Tentatively at first, and then with growing confidence, she rolled her hips. He felt strange inside her at first. It wasn’t painful, it was just different.

But soon, the desire she felt quickened, and her skin felt like it was buzzing again, her blood sizzling in her veins.


nbsp; “Fuck, Tarun, what are you doing?” he bit out. She ignored him, rolling her hips faster, and he groaned, pleasure washing over his features. “I hate that something that hurts you feels so fucking good to me.”

She laughed breathlessly. “It doesn’t hurt anymore. I swear, Luke. It feels amazing. Now are you going to make me do all the work?”

The honesty in her voice must have finally registered, because his eyes cleared and determination settled over his features. “Hell no, baby. Hold on tight. We’re in for one hell of a ride.”

Her laughter died a quick death as he pulled almost all the way out of her and then pushed forcefully back inside. Her nerve endings lit up with pleasure as he increased his speed and tempo in increments until he was finally slamming inside of her, his hips thrusting powerfully over and over.

She clung to him, feeling pleasure in every molecule of her body—but she wasn’t quite there yet, maybe because she’d orgasmed not very long ago. But one look at Luke’s face was enough to tell her he was doing everything he could to stave off his own pleasure until she found hers again. She just didn’t know how to get there.

A few more minutes of exactly what he was doing would be enough, she was sure of that. But she didn’t want to make him wait even a second longer. It wasn’t her pleasure she was concerned with—it was his.

And then he reared back, making her back arch, and the new angle made her lose her breath. His every thrust was amazing, and he was hitting a spot inside her that until then, she would have sworn didn’t exist.

A few more thrusts just like that had her body strung tightly as she clung to him, her legs manacled around his hips. And then he reached down and pressed his thumb firmly against her nub, and she had no more conscious thoughts.

Her body splintered apart, feeling like every single molecule took a life on its own, soaring into different directions. Her hips undulated, milking the sensations, and she couldn’t breathe as she drowned in pleasure.

She was vaguely aware of Luke letting out a gruff exclamation as he thrust powerfully into her a few more times before he held himself still, buried to the hilt inside her. She could feel him pulsing inside her as he found his own pleasure, coating her insides as he poured himself into her, finding his own pleasure.

He dropped back down over her, holding himself over her on arms that trembled, as they both shook in the aftermath. When their breathing finally calmed some, he dropped down beside her, and she curled into him, kissing his chest before laying her head on it, uncaring of the sheen of sweat covering their bodies.

Nothing had ever felt as amazing as being loved by Luke, and she knew nothing else could even compare. Absolutely nothing.

“I’m so glad you were my first,” she mumbled sleepily once she had her breath back, her body completely boneless where it laid half draped over him.

He ran a hand over her undoubtedly tangled hair before pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “I’m glad I was, too. And I wish I could say the same.” He paused, and even though she thought she couldn’t possibly care for him more, she felt herself fall in love with him just a little bit more at his words. “I’m sorry I freaked out. It probably wasn’t exactly manly. I just can’t stand the thought of you in pain.”

Lifting her head, Tarun gazed into his eyes as she shook his head. “I think your reaction was manly. What could be more so than trying to keep the woman you’re with from feeling pain? I thought it was perfect. Besides, I know how protective you are of women, and it fit just right with that. So no worries. It’s not like I didn’t enjoy myself.”

His lips lifted in a smile, and satisfied she’d eased his mind, she laid her head back down and snuggled even closer, enjoying the rumble of his voice under her cheek. “I’m feeling pretty grateful that you’re not upset I wasn’t all alpha-ish.”

Closing her eyes, she laughed sleepily. “Not upset at all. I loved it. Loved… you.”

She heard him suck in a breath, but she didn’t wonder what it was about, already being pulled down into a peaceful, sated slumber, held tightly in the arms of the most amazing man she knew.

Luke was frozen, barely breathing. He glanced down at the top of Tarun’s head, but he was pretty sure she’d fallen asleep.

Had she just said she loved him?

Maybe she didn’t mean it in the all-consuming, forever type way that was made his heart jump in his chest when she said it. Maybe she just meant that she loved what he did to her physically.

After all, that’s what she’d been talking about, and the first thing she said was loved it, followed by loved you. Past tense. It probably wasn’t a declaration of her feelings for him.

Hell, she was falling asleep while she said it. It most likely didn’t mean anything at all.

Yawning, he scrubbed a hand over his face, careful to not jostle her. Fuck, he was exhausted, but he couldn’t help analyzing it.

Why did he care what exactly she said? Why had his heart leapt at first, then sank like a stone when he realized how she likely meant it?

His lion gave a derisive snort with a shake of his head, and strangely enough, that was when it hit him.