Hallie stood nailed to the spot. Angela had been right, things like this oozed through cracks in the wall.
Hallie heard the rattle of teacups. Then silence, then Lady Grimsby said, her voice now louder, “I have a solution that should please everyone. It’s said that Jason Sherbrooke will never wed. And that leaves Hallie with a reputation in ruins.” She drew a deep breath. “My dear Elgin. He’s the answer.”
“Lord Renfrew? You don’t mean the dishonorable fellow who—”
“No, no, don’t say it, Angela. Elgin has changed, both Lord Grimsby and I agree on that. Charles also insists he’s changed. Elgin loves Hallie. He would make her a fine husband.”
“Lord Renfrew doesn’t assume that Hallie has been bedded by Jason Sherbrooke?”
“Surely Miss Carrick hasn’t gone that far! It was just that single embrace.”
“How can Lord Renfrew know that for sure?”
“As I said, my dear Elgin loves her. He’s willing to overlook certain matters. He’s willing to mend her reputation, give her the protection of his name.”
Dead silence, then Hallie heard the rustle of skirts. She quickly walked toward the back of the house. She heard Angela say, “I shall certainly speak to Hallie about this, Lady Grimsby. But she was very overset when she learned Lord Renfrew had lied about his age.”
“Lied about his age? Why would a gentleman do that? It’s absurd, only ladies lie about their age. A man is supposed to be a girl’s senior by a number of years and proud of it since he is the one who must provide his young wife with proper guidance, a firm hand, wise counsel—”
“So I may assure Hallie that Lord Renfrew plans to hunker down in front of his own hearth, not avail himself of her money and begin to celebrate birthdays again?”
“You are treating this as a joke, Angela. You know that a woman’s money becomes her husband’s upon her marriage. It is always the way things are done. You must know that as soon as this news gets out, Miss Carrick won’t be invited anywhere.
“Jason Sherbrooke won’t marry her. Lord Grimsby assures me that he won’t. If she has a brain, she’s to thank the good Lord for sending Elgin here to save the day. As for her ridiculous partnership here at Lyon’s Gate, everyone knows it’s Jason Sherbrooke who runs things, it’s—”
Hallie said, “Good morning, Lady Grimsby. How very lovely of you to visit. Ah, if you would be so kind to tell Lord Renfrew I will be by at precisely midnight with my ladder. I will climb up to his bedchamber and rap smartly on his window. I will take him to Gretna Green. What do you think of that?”
Lady Grimsby looked her up and down. “I don’t care if your boots are shiny, Miss Carrick, you cannot continue living in this house with a man who isn’t your husband.”
“So if I were to wed Lord Renfrew, he would move in here too?”
“Why, as to that, I don’t know. Perhaps he would simply have Jason Sherbrooke leave and take over the management of the stud.”
“Jason won’t sell out, Lady Grimsby. If I were Lord Renfrew, I would think seriously about sitting across from Jason Sherbrooke’s beautiful face every morning at the breakfast table.”
“Elgin will see that that doesn’t happen. He’s older than Jason Sherbrooke, he will take care of him, you’ll see.”
“Elgin and who else?”
“I do not find you amusing. Good day, Miss Carrick. Good day, Angela. I shall tell Elgin you’re ready to hear his suit now.”
“A moment, Lady Grimsby,” Hallie said. “Did you know my father, Baron Sherard, is staying here with us? If Elgin wishes, he can certainly speak to my father.”
“Your father is here? How long has your father been here, Miss Carrick?”
“Why don’t you ask your maid. She can ask her cousin. If he isn’t certain, why he can come to the house and I will give him the straight facts. Good day, Lady Grimsby. Oh goodness, which is Lord Renfrew’s bedchamber? I should hate to rap on your window by mistake.”
Lady Grimsby turned back as her footman prepared to hand her into her carriage. “You will come to a bad end, Miss Carrick. This levity, it doesn’t bode well for a lady’s future.” Lady Grimsby swept into her carriage. The driver gave Hallie a mournful look as he gently closed his mistress’s door.
Hallie heard Jason’s whistle coming from the stables, and heard her father’s voice. She called out, “Jason, do we have a nice tall ladder?”
Jason caught Hallie eavesdropping, her ear pressed to the drawing room door. She didn’t act embarrassed at being caught, rather she smiled, motioned him to her and whispered, “I can’t believe he actually screwed his nerve to the sticking point and came here to face my father.” She gave Jason a sideways look. “Hmm. Perhaps I’ve misjudged poor Elgin.”
“He came again?” Jason said. “Lord Renfrew must need money very badly.”
“Ah, so you don’t believe his courage is because he’s lost himself in love for me?”