She sighed. “At least in his case the truth doesn’t hurt.”
Seven minutes later, Hallie jumped back from the door. Three seconds later, Lord Renfrew, looking both pale and philosophical, preceded Baron Sherard out of the drawing room. He saw Hallie standing beside Jason Sherbrooke, the bastard with his angel’s face that he didn’t deserve, and a male form he didn’t deserve either. Elgin knew he ruthlessly used both to his advantage, because it would be the reasonable thing to do. As for Hallie, this girl he’d tried yet again to secure as his wife—He nearly shuddered. She was wearing those ridiculous boots that were so shiny he could see the sweat on his own brow. Her hair was windblown, and there was a dirt stain on the side of her nose. She looked frowzy. He said to her, “I don’t know why you’re standing there holding a bridle.”
“It’s broken. I’m going to fix it.”
“You’re a female despite those shiny boots of yours. You can fix a cup of tea but you can’t fix anything important, certainly not a bridle.”
“Tea isn’t important?” said Alec Carrick, a brow shooting upward. “I find nothing so inspiring as a bracing cup of tea. A dollop of milk, nothing else.”
“Oh no. One must add lemon so that the tea obtains the most select depth of flavor, not milk. Very well, tea is important, but for her to fix a bridle? No, girls don’t do that sort of thing.”
Hallie said, “You may be right. I certainly couldn’t fix you, could I?”
“You never tried. You never asked me to explain, never showed me a moment’s compassion, you just booted me out the door. And now I understand from your father that you will marry this man who doesn’t want you, this man who compromised you only because you are here and willing, and that makes him worse than me.”
Jason asked, “How could I be worse than you?”
“I never tried to seduce her so she would be compromised.”
Hallie wished she could whirl that bridle about in her hands and aim for Lord Renfrew’s head. “You didn’t have to compromise me. I swam right into your net.”
“Well, yes you did, but that’s not what’s important here. What’s important here is manhood and the use of it. I would have done all those things he probably did to you, but only after you became my wife, when it would be proper to do so. You could have had me, Hallie, and all my devotion and all my skills as a renowned lover.”
“Jason did not compromise me,” Hallie said.
“Ha. He’s a man, isn’t he? It’s obvious he wanted to enjoy your fair person without having to sit across the dinner table from you for the rest of his life.”
“Since we are partners, my presence at the dinner table is a regular occurrence. Nothing would change there.”
“I would have wanted to sit across the dinner table from you, Hallie, perhaps feed you bits of my dinner roll. He doesn’t want to. He is trapped only because your father is here and would kill him if he didn’t marry you.”
“Maiming might have been an alternative,” Alec said.
But Lord Renfrew ignored him. “I can’t imagine being your partner; it doesn’t bear thinking about. Having to put up with your impertinence without enjoying the benefits of your womanly self at night—perhaps, were I he, I’d flee back to Baltimore. As for his marrying you, it is to gain your money, all know that. You are not wise, Hallie. You could have had me with my heart in my hand.”
“That is a thought that stirs the hairs on my neck. Good-bye, Lord Renfrew. Whenever I think of what I could have had, I shall doubtless be saddened, for the rest of my life.”
“Your father is right. You would have not made me happy.”
“I didn’t say exactly that,” said Baron Sherard.
“No, Papa, probably not,” she said. “Consider yourself a lucky man, Lord Renfrew. Good day to you.”
He shook his head, said to himself as he clamped his hat down upon his head, “I cannot believe I let Charles talk me into wasting my time here,” and he was gone.
Jason frowned after Lord Renfrew: Charles Grandison wanted that dolt to marry Hallie? Charles never did anything without a reason. Jason wanted to know what that reason was.
Alec Carrick said, “There goes a man who will have a rich wife by the end of the year, maybe even by fall. He’s really quite believable when he sets his mind to it. I can see how you were taken in, my dear.”
“Not any longer. I do wonder why he came.” She watched Lord Renfrew mount his horse and ride away, not looking back. He rode well, tall and arrogant in the saddle. “Did he think I would forgive him what he’d done? Is this what Charles Grandison thought?”
“Yes,” Angela said. “What I don’t understand is why Charles Grandison wanted him to marry you so badly.”
Jason cleared his throat. “Hello, Angela. You move very quietly. Were you eavesdropping from outside the drawing room window? No, don’t tell me. Lord Renfrew is gone and that’s all that matters now. As for Charles and his part in this, I will pry the reason out of him the next time I see him. Hallie, I believe you and I should take a walk now.”