Damn Ally and Sean!

'Why is she trying to set you up anyway?'

Ben tucked into his starter. 'Ally thinks that the answer to everyone's problems is romance.' He noticed that she still hadn't touched her food.

'And you don't agree?'


'I don't think all problems are so easily solved,' he said quietly, casting a searching glance in her direction. 'Aren't you going to eat? You know you get cross if you don't eat.'

He was rewarded by a gurgle of laughter.

'Isn't that my line?'

'Yes, but I've borrowed it.' He jerked his head towards her plate. 'Eat, or she'll notice and decide that you're lovesick. We'll never hear the last of it.'

She did as she was told but it felt like a very long evening and he made their excuses as early as he could.

'That was the most embarrassing moment of my life,' Ellie mumbled as she slid into his car. 'I'm never, ever going to talk again.'

There was laughter in Ben's eyes. 'You made their evening. Declaring undying love to me in public must have been more than even Ally hoped for.'

'Don't remind me!' She gave a moan of horror and covered her eyes with her hands. 'You must hate me.'

There was a long silence and when he spoke his voice was soft and there was no trace of laughter in it. 'Ellie, I don't hate you.'

Her hands slipped from her face and she looked at him tentatively. 'You don't?'


She looked at him more closely. 'So does that mean you like me?'


'How much?'


'Sorry, sorry.'

Ben started the engine and reversed out of the Nicholsons' drive before indicating right and setting off for home. He drove in silence and when he finally pulled in beside her cabin Ellie plucked up the courage to speak again.

'Would you like to come in?'

She heard his indrawn breath and then he shook his head. 'I don't think that's a good idea.'

She bit her lip. 'Because I'm too young?'

He was silent for a moment. 'That's one of the reasons.'

'I'm nearly twenty-four,' she protested, and he closed his eyes and gave a short laugh.

'Precisely. As I said—too young.'

'You prefer older women?'

He looked at her with exasperation. 'I can't believe I'm having this conversation. Ellie, I don't want any sort of relationship.'