From the moment they arrived at the Nicholsons' converted barn, it was obvious that he'd been right in his first assessment of the situation.

Sean was trying to pair them off.

Ben gritted his teeth and bit back a sharp comment as Ally ushered Ellie and himself over to an armchair by the flickering log fire.

'We're short of seats so you two will have to share this.' Beaming happily, she handed them drinks and then walked briskly across the room to talk to another couple.

Ben glared after her but then realised Ellie was already sitting on the floor.

'You have the chair,' she suggested, clearly not seeing anything amiss. 'I don't know how much Ally's drunk, but there's no way you and I can both fit into that chair and still be decent.'

Which had been Ally's intention, of course.

If he hadn't been so annoyed, he would have laughed aloud. Despite the elegant dress, Ellie was totally comfortable snuggled up on the rug, her back resting against the chair as she smiled up at him. So much for Ally's elaborate plans.

'Cheers.' She lifted her glass and reached for a bowl of mixed nuts that were on the table. 'Have some of these. They're yummy.'

They talked quietly for about twenty minutes and then Ally called everyone to the table.

'Ellie, you're there, next to Ben.' Ally waved a hand, her eyes gleaming slightly as she seated the rest of her guests and then brought in the starters.

Ellie caught Ally's speculative gaze and spoke to Ben in an undertone.

'What's got into her tonight? She keeps grinning at me.'

'She's trying to pair us up,' Ben said bluntly, and Ellie's eyes widened.

Without speaking, she glanced across the huge room to the armchair, understanding finally dawning.

'Oh.' She chewed her lip and then looked up at him. 'Why?'

Ben shrugged wearily. 'You tell me.'

Ellie was silent for a moment. 'Is this why you were angry earlier?' she asked in a small voice. 'Because you thought I was trying to trap you? You thought I was part of it, didn't you?'

He shifted uncomfortably. That was exactly what he'd thought.

'To begin with, maybe,' he admitted, 'but—'

'Well, that just shows that you don't know me at all, Ben MacAllister,' Ellie said hotly, forgetting to lower her voice. 'I don't play those sorts of games and you of all people should know that. Just because I think I might be in love with you and I really want you to kiss me, that doesn't mean I'd go to devious lengths to achieve it!'

There was a sudden silence around the table and Ben saw the horror on her pretty face as she realised that everyone had heard what she'd said.

'Well, that's good to hear,' he said calmly, ignoring the curious stares of those around them and brushing her flushed cheek with the backs of his fingers.

The look she gave him was mortified and she dipped her head and concentrated on her food, although she didn't actually eat anything. She just pushed it, around her plate in a state of misery.

Inwardly cursing Ally's lack of tact, he gently felt for Ellie's hand under the table and gave it a firm squeeze. She lifted her head and looked at him gratefully.

'I'm really sorry,' she mumbled, pulling her hand away from his and picking up her bread roll. 'I had no idea. Truly.'

'I know that.'

'I would never have come if I'd known.'

'It isn't your fault.'

She looked utterly dejected and he felt a strange desire to drag her into her arms and kiss her until she smiled again.