Lindsay gave a weak smile, but there was no disguising her panic; 'So it's too late to go to hospital?'

'Before the birth, yes,' Ben said calmly. 'After you've had the baby we'll get you there. I want you to stand up, Lindsay, and hang onto Ellie. Arms around her neck, feet wide apart... That's it—great.'

'It's going to fall on the floor,' Lindsay muttered, and Ben shook his head, 'It's not going to fall anywhere. Trust me, Lindsay. Just hang onto Ellie and do as I say.'

Ellie winced as Lindsay's fingers dug into her shoulders.

"That's good, Lindsay.' Weil done.' Ben's voice was deep and reassuring, his movements steady and confident as he worked, 'That's the bottom and the legs delivered.'

Lindsay gave a sob. 'Is its head stuck?'

'It's not stuck. But we don't rush this bit,' Ben explained. 'The head has to be delivered slowly. Just breathe and be patient.'

Two minutes later Lindsay dug her nails into Ellie's shoulders again and there was a sudden wailing, just as they heard footsteps on the stairs.

'Congratulations,' Ben said softly. 'You have a little girl.'

'The door was open so I let myself in. I hope you don't mind.' The midwife bustled into the room and broke off in astonishment at the sight of the bawling baby in Lindsay's arms. 'So you were in labour.'

Ellie caught Ben's eye and looked away again quickly.

'It would appear that way,' he drawled.

The midwife was staring at him with shock and blatant disapproval. 'You delivered the baby?'

Ben didn't spare her a glance, instead focusing all his attention on Lindsay.

'He's a doctor,' Lindsay said weakly, and the midwife seemed flustered.

'Oh. Well, naturally I didn't think... I mean, he doesn't look...'

Satisfied that all was still well with Lindsay, Ben lifted his dark head, his handsome face blank of expression. 'As you're here, you can take over and deliver the placenta. I didn't have any Syntometrine so at the moment she's having a physiological third stage.'

'What on earth is that?' Lindsay looked worried and the midwife was quick to explain, dragging her gaze away from Ben with visible effort.

'It means that we haven't given you an injection to make your uterus contract, but it's nothing to worry about. It's quite capable of doing it by itself. It will be no problem at all for a young, healthy thing like you.'

The midwife hurried to the bathroom and scrubbed her hands, talking over her shoulder as she did so. 'I came as quickly as I could but the roads are terrible. There's an awful storm outside.'

Ellie caught Ben's eye again and this time failed to stifle a giggle. The midwife had a real talent for stating the obvious. She was beginning to think that Lindsay had had a lucky escape.

Lindsay obviously thought so too because she struggled to sit up, panic in her eyes as she looked at Ben.

'Please, don't leave me.' She glanced furtively towards the bathroom. 'I—I really want you to be here. I trust you.'

Ben was still for a moment. 'I'm not leaving you,' he said, his voice rough and yet gentle at the same time. 'I'm going to warm the car up so that I can drive you both to hospital once the midwife has delivered the placenta.'

At that moment the midwife bustled out of the bathroom and overheard the last comment.

'Oh, she won't be going anywhere for a while. The roads—'

'I'll worry about the roads,' Ben said tersely. 'You worry about the placenta.'

The midwife looked taken aback. 'Oh— Well, yes...'

Ben strode out of the room and Ellie flung open the wardrobes and found some warm clothes for Lindsay.

'Where have you stashed all the baby things, Linny?'